01488nam0 22003371i 450 UON0027644820231205103818.10606-7413-800-720060504d1974 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||Collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. 1-2Principles of philosophy and ; Elements of logicCharles Sanders Peirce - edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul WeissCambridge ( Mass.) : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Pressc.1960 [print.XVI393 p.IX535 p. ; 24 cmTwo volumes in one.UON00375977Principles of philosophy18413UON00375978Elements of logic18412USCambridge (Mass.)UONL000262191Filosofia occidentale moderna. Stati Uniti e Canada.21PEIRCECharles SandersUONV13736262124HARTSHORNECharlesUONV163442WEISSPaulUONV163443Belknap Press of Harvard University PressUONV272365650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00276448SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CONS. FP III 0185 (1-2) SI FP 20153 7 (1-2) RovinatoElements of logic18412Principles of philosophy18413UNIOR