05676nam0 22008291i 450 UON0027559220231205103814.25188-8453-262-020060406d2005 |0itac50 baengIT|||| 1||||Boundaries, dynamics and construction of traditions in South Asiaedited by Federico SquarciniFirenzeFirenze University Press2005618 p.23 cmpp. 287-323UON00275629pp. 107-131UON00275615pp. 253-285UON00275628pp. 159-173UON00275617pp. 411-433UON00275636pp. 175-201UON00275622pp. 589-606UON00275642pp. 203-224UON00275623pp. 389-409UON00275635pp. 485-514UON00275638pp. 63-76UON00275612pp. 41-61UON00275611pp. 11-38UON00275609pp. 437-484UON00275637pp. 515-568UON00275639pp. 77-103UON00275614pp. 133-157UON00275616pp. 361-387UON00275634pp. 607-618UON00275643pp. 225-252UON00275625pp. 571-589UON00275640pp. 325-357UON00275633001UON002755912001 KykeionStudi e testi. 1. Scienze delle ReligioniKykeion Studies and Texts. 1. Sciences of Religionsa cura di Federico Squarcini3001UON002756292001 Bhattamimamsa and Nyaya on Veda and traditionElisa Freschi , Alessandro Grahelipp. 287-323001UON002756152001 Buddhism and the Mahabharata. Boundary dynamics in textual practiceAlf Hiltebeitelpp. 107-131001UON002756282001 Constructing the wheel of time. Strategies for establishing a traditionFrancesco Sferrapp. 253-285001UON002756172001 Creating traditions through narration. The case of SakuntalaRomila Thaparpp. 159-173001UON002756362001 Dealing with conflicting views within the Paninian tradition: On the derivation of tyadrs etc. / Vincenzo Vergianipp. 411-433001UON002756222001 ˆA ‰dynamic tradition of truth-telling: Morl innovation in the MahabharataJonardon Ganeripp. 175-201001UON002756422001 Evaluation or dialogue? A brief reflection on the understanding of the Indian tradition of debateBruno Lo Turcopp. 589-606001UON002756232001 From Person to personA study of tradition in the Guruparamparasara of Vedanta Desika's Srimat RahasyatrayasaraFrancis X. Clooneypp. 203-224001UON002756352001 Loke, vede, sastreGrammarians' partition of tradition and related linguistic demainsMaria Piera Candottipp. 389-409001UON002756382001 ˆThe ‰nonconformity to tradition of the MahanubhavsAntonio Rigopoulospp. 485-514001UON002756122001 ˆThe ‰Reliability of traditionJohannes Bronkhorstpp. 63-76001UON002756112001 ˆThe ‰Revolution of tradition: sruti, smrti, and the Sanskrit discourse of powerSheldon Pollockpp. 41-61001UON002756092001 Tradens, traditum, recipiens. Introductory remarks on the semiotics, pragmatics and politics of traditionFederico Squarcinipp. 11-38001UON002756372001 Traditions against tradition. Criticism, dissent and struggle for the semiotic primacy of veridiction Federico Squarcinipp. 437-484001UON002756392001 Traditions o protestThe development of ritual suicide from religious act to political statementFabrizia Baldisserapp. 515-568001UON002756142001 ˆThe ‰transmission, patronage, and prestige of Brahmanical piety from the Mauryas to the GuptaTimothy Lubinpp. 77-103001UON002756162001 Trita's tumble and Agastya's ancestors: On the narrative construction of DharmaLaurie L. Pattonpp. 133-157001UON002756342001 Ultimate source of validation for the Sanskrit grammatical traditionElite usage versus rules of grammarMadhav M. Deshpandepp. 361-387001UON002756432001 Unity and diversity: Indian tradition and western philosophical traditionsFernando Tola, Carmen Dragonettipp. 607-618001UON002756252001 What makes a work "traditional"? On the success of Nilakantha's Mahabharata commentaryChristopher Minkowskipp. 225-252001UON002756402001 When two strong men stand face to face. The indologist, the pandit and the re-making of the Jaina scholarly traditionChristoph Emmrichpp. 571-589001UON002756332001 Why should the flower of dharma be invisible? Sayana's vision of the unity of the VedaCezary Galewiczpp. 325-357RELIGIONIIndiaUONC002216FIRELIGIONIASIA MERIDIONALESTORIAUONC059012FIITFirenzeUONL000052SI VIISUBCONT. INDIANO - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAASQUARCINIFedericoUONV016310Firenze University PressUONV266087650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00275592SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI VII 137 N SI SA 116359 5 137 N Boundaries, dynamics and construction of traditions in South Asia1244242UNIOR