01078nam0 22002531i 450 UON0027399420231205103806.63820060302d1978 |0itac50 baengHEBIL|||| 1||||Kuntillet 'ajrud. A religious centre from the time of the judean monarchy on the border of SinaiZeev MeshelJerusalemThe Israel Museum19781 v.ill.18 cmILYĕrūshālayimUONL004472SEB X CSTUDI EBRAICI - ARCHEOLOGIA - MONOGRAFIEAMESHELZeevUONV158834691323Israel MuseumUONV248061650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00273994SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SEB X C 009 SI SA 10816 7 009 Kuntillet 'ajrud. A religious centre from the time of the judean monarchy on the border of Sinai1243295UNIOR