01619nam0 22003371i 450 UON0025493520231205103646.28296-271-0112-520040629d1998 |0itac50 baengCHICN||||p |||||Ming dai huihuaPaintings of the Ming dynasty from the Palace Musem. In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Chinese University of HongKong and the opening of the new exhibition gallery of the Art Gallery, 21st October to 11th December 1988... /editor] Gao MeiqingHong KongGu Gong bo Wuyyan1998283 p.26 cmUON00373554Paintings of the Ming dynasty from the Palace MuseumPITTURA CINESEARTISTIDINASTIA MING (1368-1644)UONC014419FITaipeiUONL000076CIN IX LCINA - ARTI - ESPOSIZIONI, CATALOGHI, VENDITEAGAO MeiqingUONV149606Gugong BowuyanBeijingUONV041882ˆThe ‰Palace MuseumBeijingUONV065296Gugong BowuyuanUONV262281650ˆThe ‰Palace Museum <Beijing>Gugong Bowuyan <Beijing>UONV065296Gugong Bowuyan <Beijing>The Palace Museum <Beijing>UONV041882ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00254935SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CIN IX L 182 SI SA 110751 7 182 Ming dai huihua1234190UNIOR