09423nam0 22014291i 450 UON0025374320231205103640.39334-470-4749-620040531d2003 |0itac50 baengDE|||| 1||||Semitic and Assyriological studies presented to Pelio Fronzaroli by pupils and colleaguesEdited by MarrassiniWiesbadenHarrassowitz2003XXIII, 697 p.22 cmpp. 411-429UON00256741pp. 630-647UON00256757pp. 336-349UON00256709pp.97-104UON00256689pp. 243-268UON00256699pp.136-149UON00256692pp. 350-354UON00256710pp. 666-679UON00256759pp.173- 184UON00256694pp. 446-475UON00256743pp. 476-494UON00256747pp. 369-380UON00256736pp. 626-629UON00256756pp. 430-445UON00256742pp. 532-539UON00256751pp.150-172UON00256693pp. 27-43UON00256684pp. 381-402UON00256737pp.75-96UON00256688pp. 301-319UON00256707pp. 520-531UON00256750pp. 1-12UON00256682pp. 44-53UON00256685pp. 403-411UON00256739pp. 355-357UON00256734pp. 600-625UON00256755pp. 286-300UON00256701pp.70-74UON00256687pp. 495-509UON00256748pp. 560-584UON00256753pp. 320-335UON00256708pp.116-135UON00256691pp. 690-697UON00256761pp. 207-229UON00256697pp.54-69UON00256686pp. 269-285UON00256700pp. 585-599UON00256754pp.185-197UON00256695pp. 230-242UON00256698pp. 13-26UON00256683pp. 510-519UON00256749pp. 680-689UON00256760pp. 540-599UON00256752pp. 358-368UON00256735pp.105-115UON00256690pp. 648-665UON00256758pp.198-206UON00256696001UON002567412001 ˆLes ‰affaires de Monsieur Gida-na'imLucio Milanopp. 411-429001UON002567572001 Akkadische Lexeme im SumerischenGerd Steinerpp. 630-647001UON002567092001 "Broken" plural in "Aramaic" tribal namesEdward Lipinskipp. 336-349001UON002566892001 ˆIl ‰cimento dell'estro e della ragionela dimensione scribale della cosiddetta "Teodicea Babilonese"Giorgio Buccellatipp.97-104001UON002566992001 ˆLa ‰classificazione dell'ugaritico: problema prima storico e poi linguisticoFelice Israelpp. 243-268001UON002566922001 Considerazioni sul medico eblaita e i suoi strumenti di lavoroFranco D'Agostinopp.136-149001UON002567102001 ˆThe ‰disgraced commissioner. The tornover in Amarna officialdomMario Liveranipp. 350-354001UON002567592001 E'bitum or'A? About Ea in early dynastic sourcesMaria vittoria Toniettipp. 666-679001UON002566942001 Enlil, Vater der GotterDietz Otto Edzardpp.173- 184001UON002567432001 ˆUne ‰formule épistolaire en ougaritique et accadienDenis Pardeepp. 446-475001UON002567472001 From Akkad to Hattusa: The history of Gurparanzah and the river that gave him its nameFranca Pecchioli Daddipp. 476-494001UON002567362001 "Genetic subgrouping" in SemiticPaolo Marrassinipp. 369-380001UON002567562001 Giuseppe nella Genesi ed i fenomeni oniriciJ. Alberto Sogginpp. 626-629001UON002567422001 Grammatische Atavismen in semitischen SprachenHans-Peter Mullerpp. 430-445001UON002567512001 Hittite fragments on the Atrahasis mythAnna Maria Polvanipp. 532-539001UON002566932001 Horon der herr uber die Schlangen. Das Verhaltnis von Mythos und Beschworung in KTU 1.100Manfried Dietrich , Oswald Loretzpp.150-172001UON002566842001 In margineAlfonso Archipp. 27-43001UON002567372001 Ishtar of Ebla and Hadad of Aleppo: Notes on terminology politics and religion of old Syrian EblaPaolo Matthiaepp. 381-402001UON002566882001 Leopards, cauldrons, and a beautiful stone. Notes on some early Syrian texts from Tell Beydar and EblaMarco Bonechipp.75-96001UON002567072001 Lexikalisches aus TuttulManfred Krebernikpp. 301-319001UON002567502001 ˆLe ‰lingue semitiche di Ebla, Mari e Tell Beydar nel panorama linguistico del Vicino Oriente Antico del III millennio a.C. / Giovanni Pettinatopp. 520-531001UON002566822001 ˆA ‰Minoan inscription specifying contemporary dignitareisKjell Aartunpp. 1-12001UON002566852001 ˆLa ‰missione italiana nel Dhofar (Sultanato dell'Oman): prospettive per una ricerca linguisticaAlessandra Avanzinipp. 44-53001UON002567392001 ˆThe ‰mountains and the starsPiotr Michalowskipp. 403-411001UON002567342001 Musicians from Hazor at MariAbraham Malamatpp. 355-357001UON002567552001 Nachrichten an den Palast von Ebla. Eine Deutung von nig-mul-(an)Walther Sallabergerpp. 600-625001UON002567012001 Non-trivial semantic shifts in Semitic. S.Maisel's "isosemantic series" applied to anatomic lexiconLeonid Kogan , Alexander Militarevpp. 286-300001UON002566872001 On the preservation of ancient forms and sound shifts in frequent words resisting analogy in Hebrew and ArabicJoshua Blaupp.70-74001UON002567482001 ˆUn ‰palazzo ritrovatoPaolo Emilio Pecorellapp. 495-509001UON002567532001 ˆLa ‰parte alta del corpo nella preistoria delle lingueUmberto Rapallopp. 560-584001UON002567082001 ˆLes ‰particules du discours dans les textes de la région du Moyen-Euphrate. IIè millénaireHenri Limetpp. 320-335001UON002566912001 ˆIl ‰Pennsylvania Sumerian dictionary e il sumerico di EblaGiovanni Contipp.116-135001UON002567612001 ˆI ‰prodromi della definizione di verbo performativo nelle grammatiche tradizionali dell'ebraico biblicoIda Zatellipp. 690-697001UON002566972001 remarks on the semantics and translation of Kim'at in Biblical HebrewJacob Hoftijzerpp. 207-229001UON002566862001 ˆA ‰ritual from Archive L. 2712 of EblaMaria Giovanna Bigapp.54-69001UON002567002001 ˆIl ‰ruolo di Tarhuntassa da Muwatalli II a Suppiluliuma IIAnna Margherita Jasinkpp. 269-285001UON002567542001 Semitic and Indoeuropean. A linguistic study in comparative aspectologyFrithiof Rundgrenpp. 585-599001UON002566952001 Semitico, indoeuropeo e sostrato indomediterraneoGiovanni Garbinipp.185-197001UON002566982001 Significato politico dell'investitura sacerdotale nel regno di Hatti e in alcuni paesi vicino-orientali ad esso soggettiFiorella Imparatipp. 230-242001UON002566832001 ˆI ‰sostantivi fenici 'ab e 'ahMaria Giulia Amadasi Guzzopp. 13-26001UON002567492001 ˆLo ‰specchio dell'anima e il manto di luce nel Testamento di AbramoFabrizio A. Pennacchiettipp. 510-519001UON002567602001 Sulla più antica storia del dio del vinoPaolo Xellapp. 680-689001UON002567522001 ˆLa ‰terminologia amministrativa di Ebla: su-du e Tus.Lu.tilFrancesco Pomponiopp. 540-599001UON002567352001 Three old-Babylonian contracts from the kingdom of LarsaPietro Manderpp. 358-368001UON002566902001 Two Sargonic tablets mentioning Mesag, ensi of UmmaAmalia Catagnotipp.105-115001UON002567582001 ˆThe ‰use of glosses in Neo-assyrian letters and astrological reportsPhilippe Talonpp. 648-665001UON002566962001 ˆDie ‰Verehrung des Gottes El unter den IsraelitenWolfram Herrmannpp.198-206ASSIRIOLOGIAUONC018076FISEMITISTICAUONC018077FIDEWiesbadenUONL003153VOA GEN D IVICINO ORIENTE ANTICO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIAAFRONZAROLIPelioUONV025352MARRASSINIPaoloUONV023580HarrassowitzUONV245869650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00253743SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI VOA GEN D I 017 SI SA 111089 7 017 Semitic and Assyriological studies presented to Pelio Fronzaroli by pupils and colleagues1234506UNIOR