01958nam0 22003491i 450 UON0025297820231205103637.42596-304-8188-1120040429d1997 |0itac50 bamulHU|||| 1||||Historical and linguistic interaction between Inner-Asia and EuropeProceedings of the 39th Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC), Szeged, Hungary: June 16-21, 1996Edited by Arpad Bertawith the editorial assistance of Edina HorvathSzegedDepartment of Altaic Studies, University of Szeged1997IX, 471 p.ill.24 cmAC GEN E II 006, 006 BISUON00025368Fatt. prof. 5216IT-UONSI ACGENE II/006 BIS001UON000253682001 Studia Uralo-Altaicaredigunt P. Hajdu... [et al.]210 SzegedAttila Jozsef University1973- v. ; cm39 AC GEN E II 006, 006 BISSTUDI ALTAICICongressiUONC009663FISzegedUONL001083AC GEN E IIASIA CENTRALE - CONGRESSI - LINGUISTICAABERTAArpadUONV005369HORVATHEdinaUONV032733Permanent International Altaistic Conference39.Szeged1996UONV233008826337József Attila TudományegyetemUONV250024650University of Szeged, Department of Altaic StudiesUONV270152650ITSOL20241115RICAUON00252978SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AC GEN E II 006 BIS SI SA 94332 7 006 BIS Fatt. prof. 5216SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AC GEN E II 006 SI SA 110405 7 006 Historical and linguistic interaction between Inner-Asia and Europe1850682UNIOR