08685nam0 22013451i 450 UON0024880920231205103622.6238-950032-9-820040129d2003 |0itac50 baengDE|||| 1||||Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia. Studies in honour of professor Gherardo Gnoli on the occasion of his 65th birthday on 6th December 2002edited by Carlo G. Cereti, Mauro Maggi anmd Elio ProvasiWiesbadendr. Ludwig Reichert verlag2003XXXV, 460 p., 14 p. di tav.31 cmpp. 79-89UON00248822pp. 61-78UON00248818pp. 265-288UON00248941pp. 323-338, tavv. 6-8UON00249306pp. XV-XXXVUON00248811pp. 453-458UON00249319pp. 399-408UON00249312pp. 428-434UON00249315pp. 1-5, tav. 1UON00248810pp. 111-114UON00248825pp. 139-142UON00248834pp. 447-452UON00249318pp. 339-351UON00249307pp. 375-390UON00249310pp. 289-294UON00248946pp. 31-59UON00248815pp. 409-420UON00249313pp. 131-138, tav. 4UON00248831pp. 157-166UON00248841pp. 123-129, tavv. 2-3UON00248828pp. 421-427UON00249314pp. 435-440UON00249316pp. 7-16UON00248812pp. 441-445UON00249317pp. 167-173UON00248843pp. 91-109UON00248823pp. 391-398UON00249311pp. 247-255UON00248929pp. 363-374UON00249309pp. 17-30UON00248813pp. 257-263UON00248935pp. 353-361UON00249308pp. 295-304UON00248954pp. 203-212UON00248871pp. 305-322UON00249305pp. 213-222UON00248917pp. 175-189UON00248866pp. 223-230UON00248918pp. 191-202UON00248869pp. 143-155UON00248837pp. 115-122UON00248826pp. 231-245UON00248923001UON000005232001 Beitrage zur Iranistik24001UON002488222001 "A'in-Isan", un lapsus di Kusiyar e il Farwardgan di Abiyanasimone Cristoforettipp. 79-89001UON002488182001 Altorientalische und Avesta-traditionen in der Herrschertitulatur des vorislamischen IranIris Colditzpp. 61-78001UON002489412001 ˆThe ‰Bayan of the Fratarakas: Gods of "divine" kings?Antonio Panainopp. 265-288001UON002493062001 ˆDie ‰beschreibung der Daena in einem soghdischen manichaischen textChristiane Reckpp. 323-338, tavv. 6-8001UON002488112001 Bibliography of writings of Gherardo Gnoli (1964-2001)pp. XV-XXXV001UON002493192001 Buddhist influence on the Bema festival?Yutaka Yoshidapp. 453-458001UON002493122001 ˆA ‰Christian sogdian polemic against the Manichaeans/ Nicholas Sims-Williamspp. 399-408001UON002493152001 ˆLe ‰cocher de MithraPhilippe Swennenpp. 428-434001UON002488102001 Cosmopolitan deities and Hellenistic traces at Kuh-e Khwaja in SistanA.D.H. Bivarpp. 1-5, tav. 1001UON002488252001 Cyrus was no AchaemenidRichard N. Fryepp. 111-114001UON002488342001 Démocrite et le Mazdéisme: Fragments sur l'hommeClarisse Herrenschmidtpp. 139-142001UON002493182001 "Denn ihr huldigt nicht einem menschen als eurem herrscher sondern nur den gottern": Bemerkungen zur proskynese in IranJosef Wiesehoferpp. 447-452001UON002493072001 Echoes of religious lexicon in the Achaemenid inscriptions?Adriano V. Rossipp. 339-351001UON002493102001 Encryptions in the Gathas: Zarathusthra's variations on the theme of blissMartin Schwartzpp. 375-390001UON002489462001 Enigmes arithmologiques dans la composition du Hom StomEric Pirartpp. 289-294001UON002488152001 Except by battle: Zoroastrian cosmogony in the 1st chapter of the Greater BundahisnCarlo G. Cereti and david N. MacKenziepp. 31-59001UON002493132001 Fragments of the Ratnakuta-sutra (Kasyapaparivarta) in KhotaneseProds Oktor Skjaervopp. 409-420001UON002488312001 ˆLes ‰grandes feux de l'Impire sassanide: Quelques témoignages sigillographiquesRika Gyselenpp. 131-138, tav. 4001UON002488412001 ˆThe ‰great Surkh Kotal inscriptionHelmut Humbachpp. 157-166001UON002488282001 ˆL'‰Inde des astrologues sur une peinture sogdienne du VIIe siècleFrantz Grenetpp. 123-129, tavv. 2-3001UON002493142001 Jesus' rulership at the end of the world: A new piece of Manichaean evidenceWerner Sundermannpp. 421-427001UON002493162001 Khosrow of the immortal soul in the new Persian zoroastrian literary traditionMario Vitalonepp. 435-440001UON002488122001 Manes' "Twin" in Iranian and non-Iranian textsFrançois de Bloispp. 7-16001UON002493172001 ManiagozDieter Weberpp. 441-445001UON002488432001 Mar Aba and the impact of Zoroastrianism on Christianity in the 6th centuryManfred Hutterpp. 167-173001UON002488232001 ˆThe ‰Mazdean notions of creation and birth: Some reflexes in the Iranian languagesEla Filipponepp. 91-109001UON002493112001 "Mind" and "power" in the Gathas: Ritual notions or cosmic entities?Shaul Shakedpp. 391-398001UON002489292001 More verses from the Khotanese book of VimalakirtiMauro Maggipp. 247-255001UON002493092001 Onomastische bemerkungen zu der namenliste des Fravardin YastRudiger Schmittpp. 363-374001UON002488132001 Phl. Xwaddosagih und die Unterwerfung unter die Autoritat im (nach)sasanidischen ZoroastrismusAlberto Canterapp. 17-30001UON002489352001 Praised and blessed art thouEnrico Moranopp. 257-263001UON002493082001 Sergio/Sorush in Firdusi?Gianroberto Scarciapp. 353-361001UON002489542001 Simbolismo e mitologia dell'aurora nell'AvestaAndrea Piraspp. 295-304001UON002488712001 ˆThe ‰"Sitz im leben" of the seventh book of the DenkardJudith Josephsonpp. 203-212001UON002493052001 Sogdian farnElio Provasipp. 305-322001UON002489172001 Sur quelques grandes tendences des études avestiques et mezdéennes au XXe siècleJean Kellenspp. 213-222001UON002488662001 Uberlegungen zum bagolaggo des Kaniska IPhilip Huysepp. 175-189001UON002489182001 ˆLa ‰versification d'un hymne manichéen en PartheGilbert Lazardpp. 223-230001UON002488692001 Vexillologica sacra: searching the cultic bannerAlbert de Jongpp. 191-202001UON002488372001 When the stars rise: the Avestan expression Aissisruforima-aibigaiiaAlmut Hintzepp. 143-155001UON002488262001 Zaman ou le temps philosophique dans le Denkard IIIPhilippe Gignouxpp. 115-122001UON002489232001 Zoroastrian principles and the structure of kinship in Sasanian IranMaria Macuchpp. 231-245RELIGIONEASIA CENTRALEPERIODO PREISLAMICOUONC012090FIRELIGIONEIRANUONC017402FIDEWiesbadenUONL003153IR GEN D VIIIRAN ANTICO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAACERETICarlo G.UONV002548GNOLIGherardoUONV000089MAGGIMauroUONV014641PROVASIElioUONV010575ReichertUONV246612650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00248809SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IR GEN D VII 001 SI SA 110000 7 001 Religious themes and texts of pre-Islamic Iran and Central Asia1105160UNIOR