01036nam0 22002411i 450 UON0019113920231205103215.30920030730d1981 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||ˆEssays ‰ in the theory and measurement of consumer behaviour in honour of Sir Richard Stoneedited by Angus Deaton - CambridgeCambridge University Press, 1981344 p.23 cm.EconomiaSaggiUONC034303FIGBCambridgeUONL000022DEATONAngusUONV11233088891Cambridge University PressUONV245943650ITSOL20250217RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00191139SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI L 0033 SI SC 28101 5 0033 In the theory and measurement of consumer behaviour in honour of Sir Richard Stone1293041UNIOR