01643nam0 22003491i 450 UON0014895420231205102913.69834-470-3864-020020107d1997 |0itac50 bagerDE|||| 1||||ˆThe ‰Mainz meetingProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Turkish linguistics, August 3-6, 1994edited by Lars Johansonin cooperation with Eva Agnes Csato, Wolfgang Locke, Astrid Menz and Dorothea WinterlingWiesbadenHarrassowitz1998VII, 765 p.24 cmAC GEN E II 003UON00006384fatt. M 385388 del 28.11.01IT-UONSI ACGENE II/003001UON000063842001 Turcologicahrsg. von Lars Johanson32 AC GEN E II 003UON00368854Conference on Turkish Linguistics. 7. Mainz, 1994UON00368855Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Turkish LinguisticsLINGUE TURCHEUONC016541FIDEWiesbadenUONL003153AC GEN E IIASIA CENTRALE - CONGRESSI - LINGUISTICAAJohansonLarsUONV005365HarrassowitzUONV245869650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00148954SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AC GEN E II 003 SI SA 102139 7 003 fatt. M 385388 del 28.11.01LINGUE TURCHE - STUDILINGUE TURCHEUONC027936Mainz meeting1276407UNIOR