01161nam0 22002651i 450 UON0012520320231205102733.48920020107d1950 |0itac50 baengUS|||| 1||||ˆA ‰guide to Japanese references and research materials in the field of political scienceE. Robert WardAnn ArborUniversity of Michigan Press1950X, 104 p.28 cmGIAPPONESTORIA POLITICABIBLIOGRAFIAUONC017467FIUSAnn Arbor (Michigan)UONL000025GIA GEN B VIGIAPPONE - BIBLIOGRAFIE - LETTERATURAAWARDRobert E.UONV007894126380University of MichiganUONV245968650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00125203SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI GIA GEN B V 002 SI YAM106 5 002 Guide to Japanese references and research materials in the field of political science1317379UNIOR