01039nam0 22002531i 450 UON0011986020231205102712.63820020107d1966 |0itac50 baengMY|||| |||||ˆA ‰lexical study of Tamil dialects in Lower PerakRama SubbiahKuala LumpurUniversity of MalayaDepartment of Indian Studies1966219 p.22 cm001UON001198692001 Department of Indian Studies Monograph SeriesMYKuala LumpurUONL000249SUBBIAHRamaUONV075175667028University of Malaya PressUONV246971650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00119860SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI GLOTT C 6 III 004 SI GL 3524 5 004 Lexical study of Tamil dialects in Lower Perak1316716UNIOR