01126nam0 22002771i 450 UON0010547820231205102612.82020020107d1957 |0itac50 baaraIQ|||| 1||||ˆal-‰Ta'rif bi-l-murihinHistorians of Iraq biografical notesTome 1. The Moghol and Turkman perioda 1202-1534'Abbas al-'AzzawiBaghdadThe Trading and Printing Co.1957v.23 cmUON00365231ˆThe ‰Moghol and turkman periods 1202-1534IRAQStoriaUONC007717FIIQBaġdādUONL000447IRQ IVIRAQ - STORIAAˆal-‰ʿAzzāwīʿAbbāsUONV0377180Trading and Printing Co.UONV261248650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00105478SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IRQ IV 042 SI MR 63403 5 042 Ta'rif bi-l-murihin1311932UNIOR