01252nam0 22002651i 450 UON0009977320231205102547.89820020107d1960 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||ˆThe ‰Life of Apollonius of Tyana. The Epistles of Apollonius and the Treatise of EusebiusPhilostratus sophistawith an English translation by J. C. ConybeareLondonHeinemann19602 v. cm001UON000676842001 ˆThe ‰Loeb classical libraryGBLondonUONL003044PHILOSTRATUS : SOPHISTAUONV064773664366CONYBEAREJ. C.UONV064776HeinemannUONV247100650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00099773SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI T 1 LOEB GR PHILOSTR S. 01 SI MC 5806 5 S. 01 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI T 1 LOEB GR PHILOSTR S. 02 SI MC 27830 5 S. 02 Life of Apollonius of Tyana. The Epistles of Apollonius and the Treatise of Eusebius1309767UNIOR