01088nam0 22002531i 450 UON0009927120231205102545.76220020107d1976 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||Ecstatics and asceticsstudies in the functions of religions activities for women in the Greco-Roman worldRoss Shepard KraemerLondonXerox University Microfilms1976231 p. cm001UON003643862001 Studies in the functions of religions activities for women in the Greco-Roman worldGBLondonUONL003044SHEPARD KRAEMERRossUONV064466664307Xerox University MicrofilmsUONV260590650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00099271SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI F 036 SI MC 3849 5 Ecstatics and ascetics1309527UNIOR