01164nam0 22002891i 450 UON0009333220231205102520.96890-272-4557-320020107d1997 |0itac50 baitaNL|||| |||||De lingua latina XVarroa new critical text and English translation with prolegomena and commentary, Daniel J. TaylorAmsterdamJohn Benjamins1996205 p.22 cm001UON000874012001 Studies in the History of the Language Sciences85NLAmsterdamUONL001817T2TESTI E COMMENTI LATINIAVARROMarcus TerentiusUONV05736071700TAYLORDaniel J.UONV060147John Benjamins Publishing CompanyUONV256739650ITSOL20250214RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00093332SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI T 2 VARRO 1010 SI MC 20358 7 De lingua latina20091UNIOR