01385nam0 22003373i 450 RMS006896820231121125807.0905544239920020809d1999 ||||0itac50 bafrebez01i xxxe z01nLa cathédrale de Bénéventsous la direction de Thomas Forrest Kellytextes de Francesco Bove ... [et al.]photographies de Jean-Christophe BallotGentLudionc1999238 p.ill.32 cm.Esthetiques et rituels des cathedrales d'Europe001RMS00689732001 Esthetiques et rituels des cathedrales d'EuropeBeneventoCattedraleFIRRMLC186372IBove, Francesco <1946- >CAGV502154Kelly, Thomas ForrestCFIV077641Forrest Kelly, ThomasCFIV077643Kelly, Thomas ForrestITIT-0120020809IT-RM0281 IT-FR0017 BIBLIOTECA VALLICELLIANARM0281 Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio ApreaFR0017 NRMS0068968Biblioteca umanistica Giorgio Aprea 52SALA BRAGAC.M. 351 52ATE0000014945 VMN RS A 2014021120140211 08 52Cathedrale de Benevent1710732UNICAS02093nam0 22003851i 450 UON0008970220231205102504.37490-272-3598-820020107d1993 |0itac50 bamulNL|||| 1||||Comparative-historical linguisticsIndo-European and Finno-Ugric. Papers in honor of Oswald Szemerényi 3. / edited by Bela Brogyanyi and Reiner LippAmsterdamPhiladelphiaBenjamins1993XI, 571 p.23 cm.001UON000657912001 Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series 4. : Current issues in linguistic theoryGeneral editor E.F. Konrad Koerner97LINGUE INDOEUROPEE E LINGUE UGRO-FINNICHEUONC043097FILINGUE URALO-ALTAICHEUONC029479FIUSPhiladelphiaUONL000152NLAmsterdamUONL001817410Linguistica21GEN D IIGENERALIA - STUDI IN ONORE DI - LINGUISTICAABROGYANYIBelaUONV057109LIPPReinerUONV057110SZEMERÉNYIOswaldUONV012662John Benjamins Publishing CompanyUONV256739650SZEMERENYI, O.SZEMERÉNYI, OswaldUONV056676ITSOL20250214RICAUON00089702SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI GEN D II 023 SI SA 127488 7 023 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI GLOTT B 1 II 036 SI MC 16903 7 036 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 3 010 SI LO 63367/1 7 010 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 4 10 SI LO 63367 5 10 Comparative-historical linguistics1297570UNIOR