01136nam0 22003011i 450 UON0008384620231205102439.7815-558-7888-120020107d2000 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||Democracy and the status of women in East Asiaedited by Rose J. Lee, Cal ClarkBoulderLondonLynne Rienner2000ix, 213 p.24 cmDONNE E POLITICAAsiaUONC019574FIUSBoulder (Colorado)UONL000135GBLondonUONL003044305.4Gruppi secondo il sesso. Donne21CLARKCalUONV069668LEERose J.UONV069667RiennerUONV256908650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00083846SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI VO Afr V 130 SI AA 23710 5 130 Democracy and the status of women in East Asia1297777UNIOR