01386nam0 22003371i 450 UON0008344020231205102436.98408-214-1297-320020107d2000 |0itac50 baengUS|||| |||||ˆThe ‰history of Islam in Africaedited by Nehemia Levtzion, Randall L. Pouwels AthensOhio University ; OxfordCurrey ; Cape TownPhilip2000x, 591 p.c. geogr.26 cmISLAMAfricaUONC018975FIGBOxfordUONL000029GRAteneUONL000203Cape TownUONL001858297.096ISLAM - Africa21LEVTZIONNehemiaUONV042092POUWELSRandall L.UONV044170CurreyUONV256674650Ohio University PressUONV249377650Philip DavidUONV256794650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00083440SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AFR GEN 0833 SI AA 23601 5 0833 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AFR GEN 0833 bis SI AA 26806 5 0833 bis History of Islam in Africa1296020UNIOR