01278nam0 22003011i 450 UON0008209720240212114516.32037-7051-543-920020107d1978 |0itac50 baengDE|||| |||||Sultan Sa'idu Bi Hayatu tells the story of his and his father's life (Fulfulde -English)by Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Wilfried Gunther (editors)MunchenWilhelm Fink Verlag1978133 p.24 cm001UON000668842001 Abhandlungen der marburger Gelehrten Gesellschaft2ARABIDinastieUONC023980FIDEMünchenUONL003025909.04927Storia degli arabi21GUNTHERWilfriedUONV054113JUNGRAITHMAYRHerrmannUONV011517FinkUONV259526650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00082097SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA Afr IV B 019 SI AA 21826 5 019 Sultan Sa'idu Bi Hayatu tells the story of his and his father's life (Fulfulde -English1296710UNIOR