01529nam0 22003131i 450 UON0008167020231205102430.96120020107d1920 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||ˆThe ‰tomb of Antefoker, vizier of Sesostris I and of his wife Senet (No. 60)By Nina de Garis Davies, with a chapter by Alan h. GardinerLondonEgypt Exploration Society192040 p., 39 c. di tav.32 cmData inesatta, prezzo approssimativoIT-UONSI EGIIe/004/2001UON000676772001 ˆThe ‰Theban tombs seriesEdited by Norman de Garis Davies , Alan H. Gardiner2TOMBE EGIZIANEMedio RegnoDescrizioniUONC024738FITEBE (Egitto)TombeSenetUONC024922FISENET (moglie di Antefoker)MonumentiUONC024923FIGBLondonUONL003044DAVIES DE GARISNinaUONV053443634606GARDINERAlan H.UONV043152476276Egypt Exploration SocietyUONV251076650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00081670SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI EG II e 004/2 SI SE 1889 5 004/2 Data inesatta, prezzo approssimativoTomb of Antefoker, vizier of Sesostris I and of his wife Senet (No. 60)1849441UNIOR