01150nam0 22002891i 450 UON0008053220231205102427.16390-04-10995-120020107d1998 |0itac50 baengNL|||| |||||ˆA ‰history of jewish gynaecological texts in the Middle Agesby Ron BarkaiLeidenBrill1998X, 241 p.23 cm001UON000675232001 Brill's series in jewish studiesGeneral editor David S. Katz20MEDICINAStoriaFonti ebraicheUONC024616FINLLeidenUONL003056610.9STORIA DELLA MEDICINA21BARKAIRonUONV052953623038BrillUONV245886650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00080532SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI VO Afr XVIII A 012 SI AA 20454 7 012 History of jewish gynaecological texts in the Middle Ages1300495UNIOR