01448nam0 22003131i 450 UON0007998920231205102425.48890-7378-270-820020107d1996 |0itac50 baengNL|||| |||||Berenike 95preliminary report of the 1995 excavations at Berenike (Egyptian Read Sea Coast) and the survey of the Eastern Desertedited by Steven E. Sidebotham and Willemina Z. WendrichLeidenResearch School CNWS1996483 p.ill.25 cm2 c. topogr001UON000674212001 CNWS Publications. Special seriesEditorial board: M. Forreret al.]2SCAVI ARCHEOLOGICIBerenice (Mar Rosso)UONC024366FIVALLE DEL NILODeserto orientaleProspezione archeologicaUONC024367FINLLeidenUONL003056932EGITTOLOGIA / STORIA DELL'EGITTO ANTICO fino al 64021SIDEBOTHAMSteven E.UONV004698WENDRICHWillemina Z.UONV052559Research School CNWSUONV258840650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00079989SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI EG II d 064 SI AA 20279 5 064 Berenike 951301689UNIOR