01144nam0 22002771i 450 UON0007945020231205102423.66401-982167-3-420020107d1972 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||ˆThe ‰Historical tradition of BusogaMukama and KintuDavid William CohenOxfordClarendon Press1972xvi, 218 p.c. geogr.23 cm001UON000656262001 Oxford studies in African affairsGeneral editors John Hargreaves and George SheppersonBUSOGA (Uganda)Vita sociale e costumiUONC021865FIGBOxfordUONL000029COHENDavid WilliamUONV042518657332Clarendon PressUONV246509650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00079450SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AOR ST 122 SI AA 6688 5 122 Historical tradition of Busoga1301275UNIOR