01476nam0 22003371i 450 UON0007905520231205102422.41807-10-30465-X20020107d1995 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||Egyptian solar religion in the New KingdomRe, Amun and the crisis of politheismJan AssmannLondonNew York : Kegan Paul Internationalxiii233 p. ; 25 cmTranslated from the german by Anthony Alcock001UON000656952001 Studies in EgyptologyEdited by W.V. Davies KeeperEditorial adviser A.F. SchoreRELIGIONIEgitto anticoUONC018466FICULTI SOLARIEgitto anticoUONC020626FIDIVINITA' EGIZIANEAmmoneNuovo RegnoUONC023548FIDIVINITA' EGIZIANERaNuovo RegnoUONC024098FIGBLondonUONL003044299.31RELIGIONE DELL'EGITTO ANTICO21ASSMANNJanUONV026619144097Kegan Paul InternationalUONV251692650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00079055SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI EG IV b 029 SI AA 19472 5 029 Egyptian solar religion in the New Kingdom1299207UNIOR