01183nam0 22003011i 450 UON0007639420231205102412.40008-525-5392-720020107d2003 |0itac50 baengGB|||| |||||ˆThe ‰root causes of Sudan's civil warsDouglas H. JohnsonOxfordCurrey2003xxii, 234 p., [2] c. geogr.22 cmFondo Ercolessi 40%IT-UONSI AORST/454001UON000673172001 African issuesSeries editor Alex de WaalSUDANStoriaSec. 20.UONC021210FIGBOxfordUONL000029962.404STORIA DEL SUDAN - 1956-21JOHNSONDouglas H.UONV043601286041CurreyUONV256674650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00076394SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AOR ST 454 SI AA 25312 5 454 Fondo Ercolessi 40%Root causes of Sudan's civil wars750604UNIOR