01470nam0 22003131i 450 UON0007568520231205102409.43720020107d1858 |0itac50 baengDE|||| |||||Ibn Abd-el-Hakem's history of the conquest of SpainIbn Abd al-HakamNow edited for the first time, translated from the arabic, with critical and exegetical notes, and a historical introduction by John Harris JonesGoettingen : DieterichLondon : Williams & Norgate81 p.22 cmTesto arabo a frontedata inesattaIT-UONSI B Afr3/0169SPAGNAStoria711-1250UONC020787FIDEGöttingenUONL000324946.02Storia della Spagna. Periodo delle dinastie moresche e della riconquista, 711-147921IBN 'ABD al-HAKAMUONV034486643013JONESJohn HarrisUONV049675DieterichUONV248705650IBN ABD al-HAKAM, Abd al-RahmanIBN 'ABD al-HAKAMUONV070723ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00075685SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI B Afr 3 0169 SI MR 4946 7 0169 data inesattaIbn Abd-el-Hakem's history of the conquest of Spain1164008UNIOR