08024nam0 22011411i 450 UON0007090920231205102350.55820020107d1981 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| 1||||ˆL'‰Africa ai tempi di Daniele ComboniAtti del Congresso internazionale di studi africaniRoma, 19-21 novembre 1981Istituto Italo-Africano e Missionari CombonianiA cura di Maria CaravagliosRomaIstituto Italo-Africanno[1981?]vii,463 p.25 cmpp. 316-335UON00401529pp. 28-44UON00401308pp. 62-84UON00401314pp. 45-61UON00401309pp. 309-315UON00401526pp. 152-160UON00401343pp. 23-27UON00400606pp. 456-463UON00401552pp. 396-406UON00401537pp. 223-238UON00401508pp. 360-387UON00401533pp. 303-308UON00401524pp. 6-17UON00400602pp. 161-178UON00401344pp. I-VIIUON00400597pp. 407-412UON00401538pp. 449-455UON00401549pp. 202-215UON00401354pp. 436-443UON00401544pp. 413-435UON00401540pp. 444-448UON00401547pp. 293-302UON00401523pp. 239-248UON00401514pp. 249-258UON00401516pp. 281-284UON00401519pp. 179-193UON00401345pp. 216-222UON00401357pp. 85-146UON00401317pp. 18-22UON00400605pp. 388-395UON00401535pp. 336-359UON00401530pp. 259-280UON00401517pp. 1-5UON00400601pp. 147-151UON00401342pp. 194-201UON00401349pp. 285-292UON00401521001UON004015292001 ˆThe ‰19th century documentation of Somali oral literatureB.W. Andrzejewski pp. 316-335001UON004013082001 Analyse historique de la presence de Daniel Comboni en AfriqueAldo Gilli pp. 28-44001UON004013142001 ˆThe ‰Bible and its reinterpretations in african religious movementsVittorio Lanternari pp. 62-84001UON004013092001 ˆThe ‰Catholic Mission to Central Africa and the italian missionaries. 1848-1883Elia C. Toniolo pp. 45-61001UON004015262001 ˆIl ‰censimento in Egitto nel 1882 e l'opera di Federico Amici BeySalvatore Bono pp. 309-315001UON004013432001 Church and State relations in the Sudan during bishop Comboni's timesRenato Bresciani pp. 152-160001UON004006062001 ˆLa ‰clergé noir dans la conception de Msgr. Comboni et du Cardinal Lavigerie d'aprés les documents inedits de Propaganda FideMaria Caravaglios pp. 23-27001UON004015522001 ˆLes ‰collections d'Afrique centrale au Musee de l'Homme au XIXe siecleFrancine Ndiaye pp. 456-463001UON004015372001 Collections of ethnographic artifacts brought home by italian explorers from central Africa between 1850 and 1880Ezio Bassani pp. 396-406001UON004015082001 ˆIl ‰contributo scientifico di Stanislao Carcereri alla conoscenza del SudanTeobaldo Filesi pp. 223-238001UON004015332001 Cushitic linguistics 1976-1981Andrzej Zaborski pp. 360-387001UON004015242001 Da "Gli Annali del Buon Pastore" a "Nigrizia"Cento anni di servizio all'AfricaAlessandro Zanotelli pp. 303-308001UON004006022001 Daniele Comboni tra Africa ed Europa nella seconda metà dell'OttocentoPietro Chiocchetta pp. 6-17001UON004013442001 ˆLes ‰debuts de la politique religieuse de Yohannes IV: 1868-1876Salvatore Tedeschi pp. 161-178001UON004005972001 ˆThe ‰discovery of african identity yhrough inculturation according to John Paul IIMaria G. Caravaglios pp. I-VII001UON004015382001 Early ethnographic collections from Sudan in the European MuseaEnrico Castelli pp. 407-412001UON004015492001 Etnographie d'Afrique centrale avant 1890 dans les collections du Musee Royal de l'Afrique centrale a TervurenHuguette Van Geluwen pp. 449-455001UON004013542001 Exploration in the lower Omo Valley of Southwestern Ethiopia between 1890 and 1910D. Tourton pp. 202-215001UON004015442001 ˆUn ‰Français au Soudan vers le milieu du XIXe siecleEric de Dampierre pp. 436-443001UON004015402001 ˆThe ‰German contribution to the scientific penetration of east Africa during the second half of the 19th cent. / Angelika Rumpf pp. 413-435001UON004015472001 ˆL'‰histoire generale de l'Afrique une enterprise qui s'imposaitM. Mohammed El Fasi pp. 444-448001UON004015232001 ˆThe ‰Mahdi in the sudanese historiographyGiovanni Vantini pp. 293-302001UON004015142001 Niveau de comportement d'approche de quelques missionnaires et voyageurs italiens dans l'Afrique de l'est dans la deuxieme moitie du XIX siecle: Les missionnairesVittorio Maconi pp. 239-248001UON004015162001 Niveaux de comportement d'approche de quelques voyageurs et missionnaires italiens dans l'Afrique de l'est dans la deuxieme moitie du XIX S.: Les voyageursM. Giovanna Parodi Da Passano pp. 249-258001UON004015192001 Northern Gurage-Land about 1880 according to Gurage oral traditionsGideon Goldenberg pp. 281-284001UON004013452001 Philippe Paulitschke explorateur autrichien du XIX siecle en Afrique OrientaleArmand Duchateau pp. 179-193001UON004013572001 ˆIl ‰quindicinale "L'esplorazione" di Licata e Borsari edito a Napoli nel 1883Francesco Surdich pp. 216-222001UON004013172001 Religion among the Bahr el Ghazal Luo - SudanStefano Santandrea pp. 85-146001UON004006052001 ˆThe ‰significance of Comboni in the history of AfricaRichard Gray pp. 18-22001UON004015352001 ˆIl ‰significato delle lettere dell'alfabeto Ge'ez nel manoscritto etiopico n. 221 della collezione D'AbbadieLuigi Fusella pp. 388-395001UON004015302001 Source materials for the study of the Tigre LanguageShlomo Raz pp. 336-359001UON004015172001 Taxation, State finances and imperial power in Northern Ethiopia at the time of ComboniRichard Pankhurst pp. 259-280001UON004006012001 Trasmission du message evangelique aujourd'huiSalvatore Calvia pp. 1-5001UON004013422001 ˆAn ‰unknown manuscript on the MahdiyaGiovanni Vantini pp. 147-151001UON004013492001 Voyage sans retourHenri Lucereau en Ethiopie (1879-80)Michel Perret pp. 194-201001UON004015212001 Yohannes, Ismail and the challenge of Europe, The Ethio-egyptian conflict 1872-1883Haggai Erlich pp. 285-292AFRICACongressiUONC020208FIITRomaUONL000004960STORIA DELL'AFRICA21CARAVAGLIOSMariaUONV045637CONGRESSO INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI AFRICANIUONV045636658236Istituto Italo-AfricanoUONV256944650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00070909SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CONG * 008 SI AA 6490 5 008 Africa ai tempi di Daniele Comboni1160033UNIOR