04153nam1 22004091i 450 UON0006813120231205102339.15588-86712-43-x20020107d1998 |0itac50 baitaENGFREIT|||| 1||||Atti del XIII CongressoActes du XIII CongresProceedings of the XIII CongressForlì, 8-14 settembre 1996[XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences8/14 september 1996Proceedings]Unione Internazionale delle Scienze Preistoriche e ProtostoricheScientific Direction Carlo PerettoEditorial direction Carlo GiunchiForlìABACOc19986 v.24 cm001UON000817662001 Problemi teorici e metodologici. Archeometria. Paleocologia210 XXII626 p215 19981/1-3001UON000817682001 ˆI ‰primi uomini e le loro manifestazioni culturali. Paleolitico inferiore e medio. Paleolitico superiore210 1998215 VI, 688 p2/4-6001UON000817702001 Mesolitico. Arte del Paleolitico e del Mesolitico. Neolitico del Vicino Oriente e d'Europa210 1998215 v, 576 p3/7-9001UON000817712001 ˆThe ‰copper age in the Near East and Europe. The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean. The iron Age in Europe210 1998215 xvi, 870 p4/10-12001UON000817742001 Epoca romana (nelle province e nel mondo barbarico). Archeologia e storia del Medioevo. Preistoria dell'Africa. Preistoria dell'Asia e dell'Oceania. Preistoria dell'America. La ricerca preistorica nel contesto della società contemporanea210 1998215 ix, 648 p5/13-18001UON000817752001 Paleozoogeography of the mediterranean region. The horse: its domestication, diffusion and role in past communities. Lower and middle Palaeolithic bone industries: new analytical methods. Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Stone Age settlement system. Men and active volcanoes during prehistory and protohistory. Amber in archaeology. Late prehistoric and protohistoric social groups in northeastern Africa. Dictionnaire de préhistorie saharienne. Archaeological heritage: the heritage of the State, archaeologists, volunteers and citizens. Problems in the conservation of archaeological materials and structures: planning, diagnoses, intervention210 1998215 XII, 730 p6/1-11001UON000824632001 Lithic technology: from raw material procurement to tool production. Ca' Belvedere di Monte Poggiolo: the first inhabitants in Emilia-Romagna. Before food production in North Africa: general questions and analytical tools dealing with resource exploitation and population dynamics at 12,000-7000 BP. Functional analysis of lithic artefacts: current state of the research. Relations between the Caucasus, Anatolia and S.E. Europe in the Copper and Bronze Age. The teaching of Prehistory in schools and universities. First suggestions from Altamura cave. The archeo-palaeontological sites of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain). Initiatives for a modern museography210 1998215 P. 733-14036/12-22UON00357858XIII [thirteenth] International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric SciencesPREISTORIACongressiUONC024959FIITForlìUONL002246930.1Archeologia - Storia del mondo antico21GIUNCHICarloUONV053875PERETTOCarloUONV053874INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PREHISTORIC AND PROTOHISTORIC SCIENCES13.1996UONV053873634610UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE DELLE SCIENZE PREISTORICHE E PROTOSTORICHEUONV053703AbacoUONV259049650UISPPUNIONE INTERNAZIONALE DELLE SCIENZE PREISTORICHE E PROTOSTORICHEUONV053708UNION INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES PREHISTORIQUES ET PROTOHISTORIQUESUNIONE INTERNAZIONALE DELLE SCIENZE PREISTORICHE E PROTOSTORICHEUONV053709ITSOL20240220RICAUON00068131Atti del XIII Congresso1210961UNIOR