01033nam0 22002651i 450 UON0012139720231205102718.74520020107d1980 |0itac50 baengUS||||a |||||Japanese sources on Korean in HawaiiMinako I. SongHonoluluUniversity of Hawaii1980251 p.22 cm001UON000007902001 Occasional PapersCenter for Korean Studies10USHonoluluUONL000136COR GEN C ICOREA - CATALOGHIASONG Minako I.UONV075929667172University of Hawaiʻi PressUONV245880650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00121397SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI COR GEN C I 002 SI SA 44766 5 002 Japanese sources on Korean in Hawaii1316446UNIOR01952nam1 22003011i 450 UON0006799920231205102338.62620020107g19871989 |0itac50 baengDE|||| |||||Excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cemetries, conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University, 1930-1953by Ibrahim Rizkana and Jurgen SeherMainz am RehinPhilipp von Zabernc1987-1989v., p. di tav.36 cm001UON000657062001 Archaologische VeroffentlichungenDeutsches Archaologisches Institut. Abteilung Kairo64; 80001UON000702882001 Maadi. I: The Pottery of the Predynastic settlement210 112 p.89 p. di tav. ; 36 cm1001UON000700912001 Maadi 3. : The non-lithic small finds and the structural remains of the predynastic settlementwith appendixes on archaeozoology by Joachim Boessneck Angela von den Driesch and Reinhard Ziegler, on archaeobotany by Helmutt Kroll, and ores and copper by Ernst Pernicka and Andreas Hauptmann210 MainzVon Zabern1989215 141 p., 32 p. di tav.36 cm3SITI ARCHEOLOGICIEgitto predinasticoUONC019041FISCAVI ARCHEOLOGICIMaadi (Egitto)UONC020091FIATWienUONL003140932.011STORIA DELL'EGITTO ANTICO - Periodo preistorico - fino al 3100 a.c.21RIZKANAIbrahimUONV044244634581SeeherJürgenUONV0442450ZabernUONV245861650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00067999Excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cemetries, conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University, 1930-19531210721UNIOR