01230nam0 22002771i 450 UON0005845120231205102256.74320020107d1977 |0itac50 baengUS|||| 1||||ˆThe ‰political doctrine of the Isma'ilisthe Imamatean edition and translation, with introduction and notes, of Abu'l-Fawaris Ahmad ibn Ya'qub's ar-Risala fi 'l-Imama by sami Nasib MakaremNew YorkCaravan books1977104 p.23 cmUON00357397ˆal-‰Risala fi 'l-Imama21933USNew YorkUONL000050ARA VII DPAESI ARABI - FILOSOFIA E RELIGIONE - SETTE ISLAMICHE (Sciiti, Ismailiti ...)AABU al-FAWARISAhmad Ibn Ya'qubUONV037407654359SAMI NASIB MAKAREMUONV037410Caravan BooksUONV260198650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00058451SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA VII D 005 SI SA 30948 7 005 Risala fi 'l-Imama21933UNIOR