05086nac# 22005291i 450 UON0005451420231205102240.8370133-619320020107f |0itac50 baHU|||| |||||b||||||||||Keleti TanulmanyokOriental Studieseditor Eva AporTIB GEN F I 001UON00061467GEN D I 014UON00129150TUR GEN B I 001UON00028965SI II IND AA 021UON00054509AC III C 019UON00036272AC VI BD 049, 052 NUON00006533GEN C I 059UON00003244SEB GEN D VII 004UON00250281AC GEN C I 005UON00164504GEN D I 042UON00286140AC GEN C I 005 (2)UON00297676AC VI BB 87 NUON00506141001UON000614672001 Korosi Csoma dokumentumok az Akademiai Konytvar gyujtemenyeibenJozsef Terjek210 BudapestMagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Konyvtara1976215 220 p., c. di tav.23 cm1 TIB GEN F I 001001UON001291502001 Jubilee volume of the oriental collection 1951-1976papers presented on the occasion of the oriental collection of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencesedited by Eva Apor210 BudapestLibrary of the hungarian Academy of sciences1978215 224 p.23 cm2 GEN D I 014001UON000289652001 Hungarian Turcology 1945-1974BibliographyEd. by Zsuzsa Kakuk210 BudapestEva Apor1981215 187 p.24 cm5 TUR GEN B I 001001UON000545092001 Korosi Csoma Sandor szanszkrit-magyar szojegyzekea list of words Sanskrit and Hungarian by Alexander Csoma de KoroWojtilla Gyula210 BudapestEva Apor1984215 90 p.21 cm6 SI II IND AA 021001UON000362722001 Wolgatatarische DialektestudienTextkritische Neuausgabe der Originalsammlung von G. Balint 1875-76hrsg. von A. Berta210 BudapestMagyar Tudomanyos Akadémia Konyvtara1988215 412 p.26 cm7 AC III C 019001UON000065332001 Kasantatarische VolksmärchenAuf Grund der Sammlung von Ignac Kunoshrsg. von Zsuzsa Kakuk und Imre Baksi210 BudapestMTA Könivtara1989215 220 p.23 cm8 AC VI BD 049, 052 N001UON000032442001 ˆA ‰Scheiber-konyvtàr katalogusaKarteszi A., Kordovan V. Ormos I. ; edited by Apor Eva210 BudapestMayar Tudomanyos Akadémia Könyvtara1992215 xv,450 p. 24 cm9 GEN C I 059001UON002502812001 David Kaufmann memorial volumePapers presented at the David Kaufmann Memorial Conference Nov. 29, 1999, Budapest Oriental Collection Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencesedited by Eva Apor210 BudapestLibrary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences2002215 196 p.23 cm10 SEB GEN D VII 004001UON001645042001 Catalogue of the collections of Sir Aurel Steinin the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencescompiled by John Falconer ... [et al.]edited by Eva Apor and Helen Wang210 BudapestLibrary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences2002215 350 p.35 tav.21 cm11 AC GEN C I 005001UON002861402001 Goldziher memorial conferenceJune 21-22 2000 Budapest Oriental Collection Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencesedited by Eva Apor and Istvan Ormos210 BudapestMTA Könivtara2005215 301 p.ill.23 cm12 GEN D I 042001UON002976762001 Supplement to the Catalogue of the collections of Sir Aurel Steinin the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencescompiled by John Falconer ... [et al.]edited by Eva Apor and Helen Wang210 BudapestLibrary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences2007215 191 p.21 cm13 AC GEN C I 005 (2)001UON003898382001 Varietas delectattanulmányok Kégl Sándor emlékéreszerkesztette Dévényi Kinga210 BudapestMagyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára2010215 X, 190 p.ill.23 cm14001UON005061412001 Maḫzan al-asrārthe Treasury of Secretsan edition of the manuscript preserved at the oriental collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of sciencesḤaydar Ḫvārizmīedited and translated by Benedek Péri205 Budapest : Library and information centre of the Hungarian Academy of sciences2020210 218 p.ill. ; 24 cm215 Trascrizione del testo orig. in turco seguito dalla traduzione inglese17 AC VI BB 87 N001UON000614782001 Collection of tibetan MSS aand xylographs of Alexander Csoma de KorosJozsef Terjek210 BudapestMagyar Tudomanyos Akademia Konyvtara1976215 114 P.ill., c. di tav.23 cm3UON00356630Oriental StudiesHUBudapestUONL000090APOREvaUONV002871MTAKUONV248205650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00054514Keleti Tanulmanyok1839384UNIOR