01175nam0 22002771i 450 UON0005046420231205102223.76990-602-2529-520020107d1973 |0itac50 baengNL|||| 1||||ˆAn ‰introduction to the history of mysticismFrom the oldest elements of mysticism in the Old Testament and in judaism through classical times and the Orient up to the nineteenth centuryMargaret SmithAmsterdamPhilo Press1973121 p.22 cmMISTICISMOStoriaUONC017290FINLAmsterdamUONL001817IG VIIINTERESSE GENERALE - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAASMITHMargaretUONV017009386911PhiloUONV246864650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00050464SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IG VII 049 SI SA 30100 7 049 Introduction to the history of mysticism1147778UNIOR