01235nam0 22002411i 450 UON0004890320231205102217.20320020107f1977 |0itac50 baengLY|||| 1||||Speech by Colonel Muammar al-Gathafi leader of the First of September Revolution, at a mass rally held to mark the 64th anniversary of the major local battle of al-Gardabiya, in Sirte, in Central Jamahiriya[S.l.s.n.1977?]44 p.18 cm.ARA IPAESI ARABI - GENERALIAAˆal-‰QADDAFIMu'ammarUONV030914650453ˆal-‰GHEDDAFI, Mu'ammaral-QADDAFI, Mu'ammarUONV030915ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00048903SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA I 166 (misc. h) SI SA 16314 7 166 (misc. h) Speech by Colonel Muammar al-Gathafi leader of the First of September Revolution, at a mass rally held to mark the 64th anniversary of the major local battle of al-Gardabiya, in Sirte, in Central Jamahiriya1146753UNIOR