01411nam0 22003011i 450 UON0004485520231205102201.71896-532-7000-120020107d1986 |0itac50 bahebIL|||| 1||||Mahasit ha-uma'Iyyunim be-tarbut u-be-ma'amad sel yos'ey ha-mizrah be-Yisra'el[a cura di] Shlomo DeshenRamat GanBar-Ilan University1986313 p.22 cAltro front. : Half the nation : Studies in the culture and status of middle eastern Jews in IsraelUON00356212Half the nation : Studies in the culture and status of Middle Eastern Jews in Israel / edited by Shlomo DeshenEBREISTORIAMEDIO ORIENTESEC. XIX-XXUONC015465FIRamat-GanUONL002648SEB IV CSTUDI EBRAICI - STORIA - STORIA MODERNA CONTEMPORANEA E SIONISMO - STORIA DELLE COMUNITA' EBRAICHE NEL MONDOADESHENShlomoUONV028521Bar-Ilan University PressUONV246855650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00044855SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SEB IV C 038 SI SA 54624 5 038 Mahasit ha-uma1158825UNIOR