01478nam0 22003011i 450 UON0004428420231205102159.45020020107d1962 |0itac50 baengHEBGB||||e |||||ˆA ‰Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament with an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaic based on the lexicon of William Gesenius and translated by Edward Robinsonby Francis BrownOxfordClarendon Press1962XIX, 112 7 p.26 cmANTICO TESTAMENTODIZIONARIUONC002915FILINGUA EBRAICAEBRAICO BIBLICODIZIONARIUONC008027FIGBOxfordUONL000029SEB II ASTUDI EBRAICI - LINGUISTICA - DIZIONARIABROWNFrancisUONV028152397339GESENIUSFriedrich Heinrich WilhelmUONV119561ROBINSONEdwardUONV028153Clarendon PressUONV246509650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00044284SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SEB II A 022 SI SEM175 7 022 Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament with an appendix containing the Biblical Aramaic based on the lexicon of William Gesenius and translated by Edward Robinson1157311UNIOR