01460nam2 22002771i 450 UON0004386820231205102157.71220020107d1928 |0itac50 baengPERIN|||| 1||||Commentaries on the Quran, Hadis, law, theology and controversial worksprepared by Maulavi Abdul MuqtadirPatnaSuperintendent Government Printing1928XI, 182 p.24 cm001UON000438492001 Catalogue of the arabic and persian manuscripts in the Oriental Public Library at Bankiporeprepared under the supervision of E. Denison Ross210 CalcuttaBengal Secretariat Book Depot ; [poi] PatnaSuperintendent Government Printing1908- 215 v.25 cm.14MANOSCRITTI PERSIANITEOLOGIAUONC015108FIINPaṭanāUONL000436VO GEN C IVICINO ORIENTE - CATALOGHI - GENERALIAAMUQTADIRMaulavi AbdulUONV027804Superintendent Government PrintingUONV247217650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00043868SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI VO GEN C I 008 (14) SI SA 30603 7 008 (14) Commentaries on the Quran, Hadis, law, theology and controversial works1208543UNIOR