01329nam0 22003131i 450 UON0003899420231205102137.24427-214-5670-X20020107d1976 |0itac50 baengLB|||| 1||||Tensions in Middle East societyCenter for the Study of the Modern Arab WorldBeirutDar el-Mashreq1976157 p.20 cmvolume 1 (Winter and Spring 72-73)UON00038985001UON000389852001 Cemam reportsCenter for the Study of the Modern Arab World1972 volume 1 (Winter and Spring 72-73)ISLAMSTATO E RELIGIONEUONC000749FIISLAMEVOLUZIONE SOCIALEUONC006058FILBBairūtUONL000162ARA IV CPAESI ARABI - STORIA CONTEMPORANEAACenter for the Study of the Modern Arab WorldUONV024888Dar al-masriqUONV253706650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00038994SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA IV C 058 (1) SI SA 22503 5 058 (1) Tensions in Middle East society1155153UNIOR