05729nac# 22004691i 450 UON0003702720231205102128.29420020107f |0itac50 baNL|||| |||||b||||||||||Approaches to Semiotics001UON003833422001 Idéologie et théorie des signesanalyse structurale des éléments d'idéologie d'Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt de Tracypar François Rastier210 The HagueParisMouton1972215 XVI, 168 p.24 cm17001UON004287122001 Language and cinemaby Christian Metztranslated by Donna Jean Umiker-Sebeok210 The HagueParisMouton1974215 303 p.25 cm.26001UON003834002001 ˆA ‰semiotic landscapeproceedings of the first congress of the international association for semiotic studies, Milan, June 1974edited by Seymour Chatman, Umberto Eco, Jean-Marie Klinkenberg - ParisNew YorkMoutonThe Hague, c1979 - XXX, 1238 p. ; 24 cm.29001UON004187262001 Structure de la trilogie de BeckettMolloy, Malone meurt, L'Innommableby Dina Sherzer210 The HagueMouton1976215 100 p.25 cm.38001UON004936302001 Language originsa bibliographycompiled by Gordon Winant Hewes205 2. revised and enlarged edition210 The HagueParisMouton1975215 2 v. (XIV, 890 p. compless.)24 cm.44001UON004097182001 Semiotics of cultureedited by Irene Portis Winner, Jean Umiker-Sebeok205 The HagueParisNew York : Mouton210 290 p.ill. ; 24 cm215 Il contenuto del volume è stato pubblicato contemporaneamente in: Semiotica, n. 27 (1979).53001UON005122992001 Litterature et spectaclepar Tadeusz Kowzan210 La HayeMouton ; WarszawaPWN1975215 240 p., [6] c. di tav.ill.24 cm58001UON003834102001 Semiotics unfoldingproceedings of the second Congress of theInternational Association for Semiotic Studies, Vienna, July 1979edited by Tasso Borbe - BerlinNew YorkAmsterdamMouton Publischers, 1983 - 3 v. ; 23 cm. -68001UON003958672001 ˆThe ‰semiotic web 1987ed. by Thomas A. Sebeok, Jean Umiker-Sebeokassistant editor Evan P. Young - Berlin (etc.)de Gruyter, 1988 - XI, 853 p. ; 24 cm.81001UON004525082001 ˆThe ‰semiotic bridgetrends from Californiaedited by Irmengard Rauch, Gerald F. Carr210 BerlinNew YorkMouton de Gruyter1989215 X, 428 p.24 cm.86001UON004811442001 Signs of humanityproceedings of the 4. International Congress, International association for semiotic studies, Barcelona/Perpignan, March 30-April 6, 1989edited by Michel Balat and Janice Deledalle-Rhodesgeneral editor: Gerard Deledalle210 BerlinNew YorkMouton de Gruyter1992215 3 v.24 cm.107001UON001800452001 Structural Models in Folklore and Transformational Essaysby Elli Köngäs Mara nda and Pierre Maranda 210 The HagueParisMouton1971 - 145 p. ; 25 cm.10001UON000934572001 Early civilization and literacy in European inquiry into cultural continuity in the Mediterranean worldHarald Haarmann210 BerlinoNew YorkMouton de Gruyter1995 207 p.ill. ; 23 cm.124001UON003353172001 Writings on the general theory of signsCharles Morris210 The HagueParisMouton1971215 486 p.23 cm.16001UON003339252001 Contribution au débat post-Saussurien sur le signe linguistiqueintroduction générale et bibliographie annotéeE.F.K Koerner210 The HagueParisMouton1972215 103 p.20 cm.2001UON003432602001 Structure d'un mythe védiqueLe mythe cosmogonique dans le Rgvedapar B.L. Ogibenin210 The HagueParisMouton1973215 170 p.25 cm.30001UON000370262001 Structure d'un mythe védiquele mythe cosmogonique dans le RgvedaB.L. Ogubenin210 The Hague & ParisMouton & Co.1973215 170 p.25 cm30001UON003353202001 Essays in semioticsEssais de sémiotiqueedited by Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove, Donna Jean Umiker210 The HagueParisMouton1971215 X, 639 p.23 cm.4001UON003358032001 ˆThe ‰language of gesturesWilhelm Wundt210 The HagueParisMouton1973215 149 p.22 cm.6001UON002031412001 ˆLe ‰ texte du romanapproche sèmiologique d'une structure discursive transfor- mationnelleJulia Kristeva210 The HagueParisMouton1970215 209 p.25 cm.6001UON000966332001 ˆA ‰semiotic theory of textsFloyd Merrel210 BerlinNew York ; AmsterdamMouton de Gruyterc1985215 X, 224 p.24 cm70001UON000887852001 Language and reasonBruce B. Wavell210 Berlin [etc.]Mouton de Gruyter1986. xxii353 p. ; 24 cm74001UON003318872001 ˆThe ‰romantic irony of semioticsFriedrich Schlegel and the crisis of representationMarike Finlay210 BerlinNew York ; AmsterdamMouton de Gruyter1988215 XVI, 294 p.24 cm.79001UON003342492001 Saussure, Derrida, and the metaphysics of subjectivityRobert M. Strozier210 BerlinNew York ; AmsterdamMouton de Gruyter1988215 IX, 304 p.22 cm.80NLDen HaagUONL000378Mouton & Co.UONV246360650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00037027Approaches to semiotics58610UNIOR