07159nam0 22010811i 450 UON0002840120231205102049.53888-7694-221-120020107d1996 |0itac50 baengIT|||| 1||||CHANGE and ContinuityStudies in the Nepalese culture of the Kathmandu Valleyedited by Siegfried LienhardAlessandriaEdizioni dell'Orso1996 517 p.ill. ; 24 cm Atti dell'International Conference-Seminar of Nepalese StudiesStockholm1987)SI GEN E I 014UON00025479pp. 285-302UON00028420pp. 257-284UON00028419pp. 15-24UON00028402pp. 167-188UON00028413pp. 123-136UON00028410pp. 149-166UON00028412pp. 333-344UON00028423pp. 355-366UON00028425pp. 393-412UON00028431pp. 483-492UON00028441pp. 387-392UON00028430pp. 189-209UON00028415pp. 447-482UON00028439pp. 505-514UON00028443pp. 413-430UON00028435pp. 345-354UON00028424pp. 241-256UON00028418pp. 367-378UON00028426pp. 25-38UON00028403pp. 223-240UON00028417pp. 431-446UON00028433pp. 209-222UON00028416pp. 39-56UON00028404pp. 321-332UON00028422pp. 69-84UON00028406pp. 137-148UON00028411pp. 107-122UON00028408pp. 85-106UON00028407pp. 379-386UON00028428pp. 493-504UON00028442pp. 57-68UON00028405pp. 303-320UON00028421001UON000254792001 OrientaliaCollana di Studi Orientali del CESMEOdiretta da Irma Piovano7 SI GEN E I 014001UON000284202001 Bisketjatra of Bhaktapur-Continuity and Change of an Urban RitualNiels Gutschowpp. 285-302001UON000284192001 Buddhist Themes on the Toranas of Newar MonasteriesJohn K. Lockepp. 257-284001UON000284022001 Change and Continuity in the Kathmandu ValleyThe Archaeological PerspectiveTheodore Riccardi Jr.pp. 15-24001UON000284132001 Chinese and Tibetan Materials on the Nepalese Quinquennial MissionsLuciano Petechpp. 167-188001UON000284102001 Christians at the Malla CourtThe Capuchin 'piccolo libro'Ian Alsoppp. 123-136001UON000284122001 ˆA ‰Chronology of Newar-tibetan Relations in the Kathmandu ValleyTodd T. Lewispp. 149-166001UON000284232001 Commemorating the Killing of the Serpents or the founding of the town of BhaktapurAnne Vergatipp. 333-344001UON000284252001 Cultural Change Throught SubstitutionOrdination Versus Initiation in Newar BuddhismJens-Uwe Hartmannpp. 355-366001UON000284312001 Dhunge-Dharas in the Kathmandu Valley - Continuity and Development of Architectural DesignRaimund O.A. Becker-Ritterspachpp. 393-412001UON000284412001 Expression of Ethnicity and Politics in Bhajan Singing. Some Preliminary Results on the Assimilation of Modern Mediated Music in a Traditional Newar CommunityIngemar Grandinpp. 483-492001UON000284302001 ˆThe ‰Krsnacarita - some Observations on a Classical Nevari DramaCarl Sunesonpp. 387-392001UON000284152001 ˆThe ‰Locales of Managrha and Kailasakuta-bhavanaOld Problem, New ApproachGautam Vajracharyapp. 189-209001UON000284392001 ˆThe ‰Matemathics of Newar Buddhist MusicTer Ellingsonpp. 447-482001UON000284432001 Music and DeathSibaja of the Newar ButchersGert-Matthias Wegnerpp. 505-514001UON000284352001 Naikap A Settlement Determined by Newar Changes Its Sacred FormsReinhard Herdickpp. 413-430001UON000284242001 Nepal - the Jain ConnectionErnest Benderpp. 345-354001UON000284182001 On some Key-terms in Newar BuddhismSiegfried Lienhardpp. 241-256001UON000284262001 ˆThe ‰Original Buddha and the Recent BuddhaA Preliminary Report on Buddhism in a Gurung CommunityBechert Heinzpp. 367-378001UON000284032001 ˆThe ‰Parbatiya Household in the Kathmandu ValleyContext for Continuity and ChangeJohn N. Graypp. 25-38001UON000284172001 ˆThe ‰Perfection of WisdomA Text and Its Uses in Kwa Baha, LalipurDavid N. Gellnerpp. 223-240001UON000284332001 Preliminary Notes on an India-Import Scroll from NepalMary Shepherd Slusserpp. 431-446001UON000284162001 Procession and Pilgrimage in Newar ReligionMichael Allenpp. 209-222001UON000284042001 Sana-guthis (funeral organizations) in a Newar villageCharacteristics and ChangeHiroshi T. Ishiipp. 39-56001UON000284222001 Sivaratri at DeopatanAxel Michaelspp. 321-332001UON000284062001 Social Mobility and Social Fragmentation in the Newar Caste SystemDeclan Quigleypp. 69-84001UON000284112001 Tollerance and Syncretism in the Religious History of the Kathmandu ValleyHorst Brinkhauspp. 137-148001UON000284082001 Traditional Technology in the Kathmandu ValleyThe Utilization of the Soils and SedimentsUlrike Muller-Bokerpp. 107-122001UON000284072001 Tribal Brahmans? The Case of the Rajopadhyaya of NepalGĂ©rard Toffinpp. 85-106001UON000284282001 Two Nepalese Versions of the Mahiravana TaleWilliam L. Smithpp. 379-386001UON000284422001 Urbanisation of Gurung Culture and IdentityA Study of Gurung Music in KathmanduPirkko Moisalapp. 493-504001UON000284052001 Vestiges of Totemism in Newar SocietyKamal P. Mallapp. 57-68001UON000284212001 Women, Pilgrimage, Power and the Concept of Place in the Swasthani VrataLinda L. Iltispp. 303-320UON00354712International Conference-Seminar of Nepalese Studies. Stockholm, 1987NEPALCULTURA E CIVILTA'UONC002481FIAlessandriaUONL000868SI GEN E ISUBCONT. INDIANO - CONGRESSIALIENHARDSiegfriedUONV014012Edizioni dell'OrsoUONV248739650LIENHARD, S.LIENHARD, SiegfriedUONV004254ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00028401SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI GEN E I 014 SI SA 85166 7 014 Change and continuity541096UNIOR