02675nac# 22003371i 450 UON0002825720231205102048.9650169-996220020107a1957 |0itac50 baNL|||| 1||||b||||||||||Studies on the texts of the desert of JudahEdited by Florentino Garcia MartinezSEB III 093 NUON00274907SEB III 097 NUON00311371001UON003972662001 ˆA ‰classified bibliography of the finds in the desert of Judah1958-1969by B. Jongeling210 LeidenE.J. Brill1971215 XIV, 140 p.25 cm.07001UON000399142001 ˆThe ‰Manual of disciplinetranslated and annotated with an introduction by P. Wernberg-Moller210 LeidenBrill1957215 180 p.25 cm1001UON000399132001 ˆLe ‰Rouleau de la guerretraduit et annoté avec une introduction par J. van der Ploeg210 LeidenBrill1959215 198 p.25 cm2001UON000398982001 ˆThe ‰Thanksgiving hymnstranslated and annotated with an introduction by Menahem Mansoor210 LeidenBrill1961215 XI, 227 p.25 cm3001UON002748932001 Diggers at the wellProceedings of a Third International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben SiraEdited by T. Muraoka and J.F. Elwolde210 LeidenBrill2000215 X, 307 p.25 cm36001UON000445212001 ˆA ‰comparative study of the Old Testament text in the Dead Sea Scrolls and in the New Testamentby J. De Waard210 LeidenE.J. Brill1966215 101 p.24 cm4001UON002749072001 Scribal practices and approaches reflected in the texts found in the Judean desertBy Emanuel Tov210 LeidenBrill2004215 XXI, 298 p., 11 c. di tav.30 cm54 SEB III 093 N001UON000446252001 ˆThe ‰language and linguistic background of the Isaiah scroll (1 Q Isa)by E. Y. Kutscher210 LeidenE.J. Brill1974215 567 p.24 cm6001UON003113712001 ˆThe ‰relationship between Roman and local law in the Babatha and Salome Komaise archivesGeneral analysis and three case studies on law of succession, guardianship and marriageBy Jacobine G. Oudshoorn210 LeidenBrill2007215 XIV, 456 p.25 cm69 SEB III 097 NNLLeidenUONL003056GARCIA MARTINEZFlorentinoUONV022889BrillUONV245886650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00028257Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah1838020UNIOR