05115nam0 22008291i 450 UON0002741620231205102045.53931-10-14447-620020107d1995 |0itac50 baengDE|||| 1||||ˆThe ‰Indo-Aryans of ancient South AsiaLanguage, material culture and ethnicityedited by George ErdosyBerlinWalter De Gruyter1995XXII, 417 p.ill.25 cmpp. 177-191UON00028706pp. 155-176UON00028519pp. 206-212UON00028709pp. 126-154UON00028517pp. 278-292UON00028712pp. 85-125UON00028516pp. 32-66UON00028511pp. 213-257UON00028710pp. 1-31UON00028510pp. 293-306UON00028714pp. 353-381UON00028718pp. 382-406UON00028719pp. 258-277UON00028711pp. 307-352UON00028717pp. 192-205UON00028708pp. 67-84UON00028513001UON000285082001 Indian Philology and South Asian Studies210 BerlinWalter de Gruyter1995- v. ; 25 cm Edited by Albrecht Wezler and Michael Witzel1001UON000287062001 ˆThe ‰Aryan questionSome general considerationsArvind Sharmapp. 177-191001UON000285192001 ˆThe ‰Avesta as source for the early history of the IraniansP. Oktor Skjaervopp. 155-176001UON000287092001 Central Asia and the RgvedaThe Archaeological EvidenceWalter A. Fairservis Jr.pp. 206-212001UON000285172001 ˆThe ‰Concepts of "cultural tradition" and "palaeoethnology" in South Asian archaeologyJim G. Shaffer and Diane A. Lichtensteinpp. 126-154001UON000287122001 Dialect variation in Old and Middle Indo-AryanKenneth R. Normanpp. 278-292001UON000285162001 Early Indian HistoryLinguistic and textual parametresMichael Witzelpp. 85-125001UON000285112001 Have Aryans been identified in the prehistoric skeletal record from South Asia? Biological anthropology and concepts of ancient racesKenneth A.R. Kennedypp. 32-66001UON000287102001 Interaction system, specialised crafts and culture changeThe Indus valley Tradition and the Indo-Gangetic Tradition in South AsiaJonathan M. Kenoyerpp. 213-257001UON000285102001 Language, material culture and ethnicityTheoretical PerspectivesGeorge Erdosypp. 1-31001UON000287142001 On drawing socio-linguistic distinctions in Old Indo-Aryan: The question of Ksatriya Sanskrit and related problemsRichard Salomonpp. 293-306001UON000287182001 ˆThe ‰Problems of the Aryans and the SomaTextual-linguistic and Archaeological evidenceAsko Parpolapp. 353-381001UON000287192001 ˆThe ‰Problems of the Aryans and the SomaThe Botanical evidenceHarri Nybergpp. 382-406001UON000287112001 Recomstructing social context from languageIndo-Aryan and Dravidian prehistoryFranklin C. Southworthpp. 258-277001UON000287172001 Rgvedic history: poets, chieftains and politiesMichael Witzelpp. 307-352001UON000287082001 South Asia from a Central Asian perspectiveFrederik T. Hiebertpp. 192-205001UON000285132001 Vedic Aryans, non-Vedic Aryans, and non-AryansJudging the linguistic evidence of the VedaMadhav M. Deshpandepp. 67-84LINGUE INDOARIEUONC006338FIINDOARIORIGINIUONC007377FIDEBerlinUONL003157SI II INDSUBCONT. INDIANO - LINGUE INDOARIEAERDOSYGeorgeUONV000829De GruyterUONV248587650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00027416SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI II IND 042 N SI SA 85236 5 042 N LINGUA ASSAMESE - STUDI SPECIFICILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006346LINGUA BENGALILINGUE INDOARIEUONC002642LINGUA GUJARATILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006344LINGUA HINDI - CONFRONTILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006340LINGUA MARATHILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006343LINGUA NEPALILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006347LINGUA PACRITILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006349LINGUA PALILINGUE INDOARIEUONC000965LINGUA PUNJABI - ATLANTI LINGUISTICILINGUE INDOARIEUONC006345LINGUA SANSCRITALINGUE INDOARIEUONC006337LINGUA URDU - STUDI SPECIFICILINGUE INDOARIEUONC001922LINGUA VEDICALINGUE INDOARIEUONC006411Indo-Aryans of ancient South Asia1188536UNIOR