04628nam0 22007091i 450 UON0002600220231205102040.5507-12-30482-720020107d1996 |0itac50 baengGB|||| 1||||DUNHUANG and TurfanContents and Conservation of Ancient Documents from Central Asiaedited by Susan Whitfield and Frances WoodLondonThe British Library199Proceedings of the conference "The Preservation of Material from Cave 17" organized by the British Library, held at the Ile of Thorn Training Centre, University of Sussex, 13/15 October 1993p.16-19UON00027570p.70-82UON00027651p.39-42UON00027626p.43-49UON00027627p.32-34UON00027620p.57-58UON00027639p.35-38UON00027625p.59-69UON00027650p.83-84UON00027652p.85-90UON00027653p.50-52UON00027630p.20-26UON00027569p.27-28UON00027618p.7-15UON00027568p.29-31UON00027619p.53-56UON00027638p.1-6UON00027567001UON000275662001 ˆThe ‰British Library Studies in Conservation ScienceConsultant Editors M. M. Foot & K. R. Seddom210 LondonThe British Library1996-1001UON000275702001 ˆThe ‰British Library Stein collection: its conservation history and future preservationMark Barnardp.16-19001UON000276512001 ˆThe ‰chemical constituents of the huangbo dyeAnne-Marie Bremner, Peter J. Gibbs, Kenneth R. Seddonp.70-82001UON000276262001 Conservation and restoration problems of oriental manuscripts in the Institute of Oriental Studies, St PetersburgYuri A. Petrosyanp.39-42001UON000276272001 ˆThe ‰conservation history of the Dunhuang Collection preserved in the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of SciencesNadia Brovenkop.43-49001UON000276202001 ˆThe ‰Conservation of Cave 17 material in the Bibliothèque Nationale, ParisMonique Cohenp.32-34001UON000276392001 Conservation of Central Asian collections in the National Museum, New Delhi, IndiaSurinder Pal Singhp.57-58001UON000276252001 Development of new solution for protective enclosures for the documents from the Pelliot collection of the Bibliothèque Nationale, ParisAstrid-Christine Brandtp.35-38001UON000276502001 ˆThe ‰Dunhuang Diamond Sutra: a challenging problem for scientific conservation techniquesPeter J. Gibbs, Kenneth R. Seddonp.59-69001UON000276522001 ˆThe ‰effect of sodium nitrate on cotton-based paperDerek Priest, M.C. Southgatep.83-84001UON000276532001 Epilogue: the International Dunhuang ProjectSusan Whitfieldp.85-90001UON000276302001 ˆThe ‰history of conservation in the Dunhuang library itselfLev N. Menshikovp.50-52001UON000275692001 ˆAn ‰investigation study of the frontispiece of the Diamond SutraKumiko Matsuokap.20-26001UON000276182001 japanese conservation techniques as applied to pre-tenth century materialAndrew Thompsonp.27-28001UON000275682001 ˆThe ‰Preservation of pre-tenth century graphic materialPeter Lawson and Mark Barnardp.7-15001UON000276192001 ˆThe ‰restoration of the Dunhuang Manuscripts in the National Library of ChinaDu Weishengp.29-31001UON000276382001 ˆA ‰survey of research on the materials from Turfan held at BerlinSimone-Christiane Raschmannp.53-56001UON000275672001 Two thousand years at DunhuangFrances Woodp.1-6DUNHUANGCONGRESSIUONC007354FIGBLondonUONL003044CIN GEN E XCINA - CONGRESSI - ARCHEOLOGIAAWHITFIELDSusanUONV018733WOODFrancesUONV018734British LibraryUONV247198650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00026002SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI CIN GEN E X 002 SI SA 84567 7 002 DUNHUANG and Turfan1201167UNIOR