09215nam0 22014051i 450 UON0002101120231205102018.79590-683-1002-X20020107d1985 |0itac50 bamulNL|||| 1||||Papers in honour of Professor Mary BoyceLeidendiffusion Brill19852 v.ill.25 cmv. 1, pp. 327-334UON00021068v. 2, pp. 365-370UON00021078v. 1, pp. 9-14UON00021013v. 2, pp. 447-458UON00021085v. 2, pp. 511-525UON00021093v. 2, pp. 665-673UON00021125v. 1, pp. 195-215UON00021061v. 1, pp. 15-24UON00021014v. 2, pp. 528-543UON00021097v. 1, pp. 61-148UON00021046v. 2, pp. 459-471UON00021087v. 2, pp. 727-745UON00021132v. 1, pp. 43-60UON00021045v. 1, pp. 357-363UON00021070v. 1, pp. 191-194UON00021060v. 1, pp. 261-326UON00021066v. 2, pp. 629-650UON00021119v. 1, pp. 229-246UON00021063v. 2, pp. 583-591UON00021106v. 2, pp. 699-726UON00021131v. 2, pp. 497-510UON00021091v. 2, pp. 675-681UON00021126v. 2, pp. 573-582UON00021104v. 2, pp. 655-664UON00021123v. 1, pp. 179-184UON00021055v. 2, pp. 371-399UON00021079v. 2, pp. 401-419UON00021080v. 2, pp. 441-445UON00021084v. 1, pp. 335-356UON00021069v. 2, pp. 605-627UON00021113v. 1, pp. 247-259UON00021065v. 1, pp. 25-42UON00021044v. 2, pp. 429-434UON00021082v. 1, pp. 159-178UON00021053v. 1, pp. 217-228UON00021062v. 2, pp. 473-496UON00021088v. 2, pp. 651-654UON00021122v. 1, pp. 1-7UON00021012v. 2, pp. 683-697UON00021129v. 2, pp. 594-603UON00021107v. 2, pp. 545-572UON00021098v. 1, pp. 185-190UON00021057v. 2, pp. 421-428UON00021081v. 1, pp. 149-157UON00021048v. 2, pp. 435-440UON00021083IR GEN D I 10 (1)IT-UONSI IRGEND I/010 (1)IR GEN D I 10 (2)IT-UONSI IRGEND I/010 (2)001UON000002732001 Acta IranicaEncyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes300 Dal 1979 pubblicata dal Centre International d'Etudes Indo-iraniennes di Liegi, poi Peeters24001UON000175682001 Acta Iranica. Hommages et Opera Minora10001UON000210682001 About Gopatsah, his country, and the Khwarezmian hypothesisHelmut Humbachv. 1, pp. 327-334001UON000210782001 ˆAn ‰ancient irani ritual for tending the fireF.M. Kotwalv. 2, pp. 365-370001UON000210132001 ApastakH.W. Baileyv. 1, pp. 9-14001UON000210852001 Armeno-IranicaJ.R. Russellv. 2, pp. 447-458001UON000210932001 Bagdana, king of the demons, and other iranian terms in Babylonian Aramaic magicShaul Shakedv. 2, pp. 511-525001UON000211252001 ˆA ‰beautiful girlF. Vahmanv. 2, pp. 665-673001UON000210612001 ˆLes ‰bulles sasanides de Qasr-i Abu Nasr (Collection du Metropolitan Museum of Art)Philippe Gignouxv. 1, pp. 195-215001UON000210142001 ˆThe ‰contribution of the Cologne Mani Codex to the religio-historical study of ManicheismUgo Bianchiv. 1, pp. 15-24001UON000210972001 ˆThe ‰cosmogonical and cosmological teachings of MazdakMansour Shakiv. 2, pp. 528-543001UON000210462001 ˆThe ‰crown-bestower in the Iranian Book of KingsOlga M. Davidsonv. 1, pp. 61-148001UON000210872001 ˆThe ‰death of CyrusXenophon's Cyropaedia as a source for iranian historyH. Sancisi-Weerdenburgv. 2, pp. 459-471001UON000211322001 Distinction of grammatical gender in the dialects of Kashan province and the adjoining areasEhsan Yarshaterv. 2, pp. 727-745001UON000210452001 ˆEine ‰edlere frau als sie habe ich nie gesehenPeter Calmeyer und Heinz Gaubev. 1, pp. 43-60001UON000210702001 Epistle I, Ch. IX of Manuscihr YudanyimanM.F. Kangav. 1, pp. 357-363001UON000210602001 Farr u aurangIlya Gershevitchv. 1, pp. 191-194001UON000210662001 ˆThe ‰flowering of Zoroastrian benevolence: Parsi charities in the 19th and 20th centuriesJohn R. Hinnelsv. 1, pp. 261-326001UON000211192001 ˆDer ‰Gowisn i griw zindag-ZyklusWerner Sundermannv. 2, pp. 629-650001UON000210632001 ˆThe ‰great gods of ElymaisJohn Hansmanv. 1, pp. 229-246001UON000211062001 Hafiz and ShakespeareAn East-West encounterWojciech Skalmowskiv. 2, pp. 583-591001UON000211312001 Haoma/SomaThe plantGernot L. Windfuhrv. 2, pp. 699-726001UON000210912001 Iranian notes 1-6A. Sh. Shahbaziv. 2, pp. 497-510001UON000211262001 Khotansakisch asana- 'wert, wurdig'Dieter Weberv. 2, pp. 675-681001UON000211042001 ˆThe ‰manichaean commandmentsA survey of the sourcesNicholas Sims-Williamsv. 2, pp. 573-582001UON000211232001 Manistan and xanaqahBo Utasv. 2, pp. 655-664001UON000210552001 ˆEin ‰mannlein steht im waldeR.E. Emmerickv. 1, pp. 179-184001UON000210792001 ˆLa ‰métrique de la poésie partheGilbert Lazardv. 2, pp. 371-399001UON000210802001 New light on Manichaeism in ChinaS.N.C. Lieuv. 2, pp. 401-419001UON000210842001 Note sulla cliticizzazione in Mediopersiano e ParticoAdriano V. Rossiv. 2, pp. 441-445001UON000210692001 On the dron in ZoroastrianismKaikhusroo M. Jamasp Asav. 1, pp. 335-356001UON000211132001 On the evolution of the early Iranian fire templeDavid Stronachv. 2, pp. 605-627001UON000210652001 ˆThe ‰ox-headed mace in pre-islamic IranPrudence O. Harperv. 1, pp. 247-259001UON000210442001 ˆA ‰Persian fairylandA.D.H. Bivarv. 1, pp. 25-42001UON000210822001 Poetic lines in the Denkart 7. / H.K. Mirzav. 2, pp. 429-434001UON000210532001 Popular poetry of the BalochesJ. Elfenbeinv. 1, pp. 159-178001UON000210622001 Ragha la zoroastrianaGherardo Gnoliv. 1, pp. 217-228001UON000210882001 Scatology and eschatology in ZoroasterOn the paronomasia of Yasna 48.10 and on Indo-European H2EG 'to make taboo' and the reciprocity verbs *kwsen(w) and *meghMartin Schwartzv. 2, pp. 473-496001UON000211222001 Some classical persian words and their Middle Iranian equivalentsA. Tafazzoliv. 2, pp. 651-654001UON000210122001 Some textual problems in the Hebrew Bible and their treatment in Judeo-Persian versionsJes P. Asmussenv. 1, pp. 1-7001UON000211292001 ˆA ‰strange account of the world's originPRDd. 46. / Alan Williamsv. 2, pp. 683-697001UON000211072001 Thematic and linguistic parallels in the Achaemenian and Sassanian inscriptionsProds Oktor Skjaervov. 2, pp. 594-603001UON000210982001 Two fire temples converted to mosques in Central IranMehrdad Shokoohyv. 2, pp. 545-572001UON000210572001 Two Iranian notesRichard N. Fryev. 1, pp. 185-190001UON000210812001 Two Sogdian hwydgm'm fragmentsD.N. MacKenziev. 2, pp. 421-428001UON000210482001 ˆThe ‰wise men from the East in the Western traditionJacques Duchesne-Guilleminv. 1, pp. 149-157001UON000210832001 Zoroastrianism in the comparison of religionsJacob Neusnerv. 2, pp. 435-440IRANISTICAUONC003849FINLLeidenUONL003056IR GEN D IIRAN ANTICO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIAABOYCEMaryUONV000315BrillUONV245886650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00021011SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IR GEN D I 010 (1) SI SA 57495 7 010 (1) IR GEN D I 10 (1)SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI IR GEN D I 010 (2) SI SA 57496 7 010 (2) IR GEN D I 10 (2)Papers in honour of Professor Mary Boyce1196753UNIOR