01822nam0 22003491i 450 UON0002060120231205102017.12296-522-3388-920020107g19831990 |0itac50 baengIL|||| 1||||Black Banners from the Eastby Moshe SharonJerusalem : The Magnes Press ;The Hebrew University1983-19902 v.23 cmIn testa al front.: Institute of Asian and African StudiesCont.: Vol. 1: The Establishment of the 'Abbasid State-Incubation of a RevoltARA IV 280 (1 ) NIT-UONSI ARAIV/280 NARA IV 280 (2) NIT-UONSI ARAIV/280 N001UON000666182001 ˆThe ‰Max Schloessinger Memorial seriesSilsilat Maks Slusingir al-TadkariyyahEditorial board: D. Ayalonet al.]2 ; 5UON00353855Revolt : The social and military aspects of the Abbasid RevolutionUON00353856ˆThe ‰establishment of the abbasid state-incubation of a revoltISLAMSTORIAPERIODO ABBASIDEUONC004876FIILYĕrūshālayimUONL004472ARA IVPAESI ARABI - STORIAASHARONMosheUONV004610641857The Max Scloessinger Memorial FundUONV249154650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00020601SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA IV 280 N SI SA 72420 5 280 N ARA IV 280 (1 ) NSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA IV 280 N SI SA 80375 5 280 N ARA IV 280 (2) NBlack banners from the East1165564UNIOR