13093nam0 22018851i 450 UON0001937320231205102011.12535-258-2476-920020107g19911992 |0itac50 bamulDD|||| 1||||ˆThe ‰Dating of the historical BuddhaDie Datierung des historischen Buddha (Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung, IV, 1-2)edited by Heinz BechertGottingenVandenhoeck & Ruprecht1991/922 v.25 cmpp. 61-89UON00020082p. 110-147UON00020507p. 334-340UON00020524p. 194-196UON00020466p. 403-414UON00020491p. 105-109UON00020506p. 422-426UON00020535pp. 46-48UON00020078p. 378-384UON00020487p. 84-104UON00020505p. 445-461UON00020540p. 351-364UON00020528p. 430-444UON00020538p. 458-489UON00020500p. 185-199UON00020509p. 415-422UON00020494p. 222-236UON00020472p. 363-377UON00020486p. 11-83UON00020504p. 449-457UON00020499p. 237-262UON00020512p. 321-331UON00020518p. 385-402UON00020489p. 503-505UON00020502p. 525-526UON00020546p. 197-210UON00020467p. 252-295UON00020474p. 423-425UON00020496p. 108-131UON00020456p. 296-299UON00020475p. 344- 357UON00020482pp. 55-60UON00020081p. 427-429UON00020536p. 183-193UON00020463p. 313-328UON00020478p. 426-440UON00020497p. 506-522UON00020503p. 152-182UON00020462p. 474-500UON00020544p. 501-524UON00020545pp. 49-54UON00020079p. 200-207UON00020510p. 263-290UON00020513p. 300-312UON00020476p. 441-448UON00020498p. 401-421UON00020534p. 358-362UON00020483p. 329-343UON00020480p. 208-236UON00020511p. 148-184UON00020508p. 211-221UON00020469p. 468-473UON00020542pp. 27-45UON00020076p. 299-320UON00020516p. 100-107UON00020455p. 341-350UON00020527p. 132-137UON00020458p. 291-298UON00020515p. 332-333UON00020520p. 490-502UON00020501p. 366-400UON00020531p. 237-251UON00020473p. 461-467UON00020541p. 138-151UON00020460pp. 90-99UON00020083001UON000043292001 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Gottingen. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. 3. Folge189,194001UON000200822001 Archaeological Research on Ancient Buddhist Sitesby Herbert Hartelpp. 61-89001UON000205072001 ˆAn ‰Attempt to Estimate the Distance in Time between Asoka and the Buddha in Terms of Doctrinal Historyby Lambert Schmithausenp. 110-147001UON000205242001 ˆEine ‰Bemerkung zur Datierung des Buddha in der mittelpersischen Literatur der Zoroastriervon Werner Sundermannp. 334-340001UON000204662001 ˆA ‰Brief Note on the Date of the Historical Buddha and Classical Poetryby Siegfried Lienhardp. 194-196001UON000204912001 Bu-ston on the date of the Buddha's Nirvana. Translated from his History of the Doctrine (Chos-byun)Claus Vogelp. 403-414001UON000205062001 ˆThe ‰Buddha and Epicurusby Wilhelm Halbfassp. 105-109001UON000205352001 Buddhas Todesjahr nach dem AvadanasatakaJ.S. Speyerp. 422-426001UON000200782001 ˆThe ‰Buddhist Era in the Malalankaravatthuby Heinz Braunpp. 46-48001UON000204872001 Chiliastic Associations of the Buddha Jayantiby Manuel Sarkisyanzp. 378-384001UON000205052001 Chinesische Studien zum Datum des Buddhavon Chen Yen_heip. 84-104001UON000205402001 ˆThe ‰Chronology of the Early Pali Chronicles of CeylonG.C. Mendisp. 445-461001UON000205282001 Computing dates of the Very Distant PastSome Remarks on the Greek and Roman Practiceby Carl Joachim Classenp. 351-364001UON000205382001 Contributions to Singhalese ChronologyE. Hultzschp. 430-444001UON000205002001 ˆLa ‰Date du Buddha en Corée et au Japonpar Hubert Durtp. 458-489001UON000205092001 ˆThe ‰Date Gotama Buddha's Parinirvanaby A.K. Narainp. 185-199001UON000204942001 ˆThe ‰Date of Sakyamuni According to Bonpo Sourcesby Per Kvaernep. 415-422001UON000204722001 ˆThe ‰Date of the Buddha - an Open Question of Ancient Indian Historyby Heinz Bechertp. 222-236001UON000204862001 ˆDie ‰Datierung des historischen Buddha in der buddhistischen Erneuerungsbewegung/ von Petra Kieffer Pulzp. 363-377001UON000205042001 ˆDie ‰Datierungdes historischen Buddha in der abendlandischen Forschungsgeschichte bis 1980von Siglinde Dietzp. 11-83001UON000204992001 ˆThe ‰Dating of the Buddha in Chinese BuddhismLewis Lancasterp. 449-457001UON000205122001 Dating the BuddhaA Red Herring Revealedby Richard Gombrichp. 237-262001UON000205182001 ˆDas ‰Datum des Buddha nach mongolischen historischen Textenvon Klaus Sagasterp. 321-331001UON000204892001 ˆDas ‰datum des Buddha nach tantrischen Textenvon Gunter Gronboldp. 385-402001UON000205022001 ˆThe ‰Dispute about the Birthdate of the Buddha from a Comparative Civilizational PerspectiveS.N. Eisenstadtp. 503-505001UON000205462001 ˆThe ‰Earliest Lithic Reference to Buddha EraAbaya Aryasinghep. 525-526001UON000204672001 Early Indian References to the Greeks and the First Western References to Buddhismby Wilhelm Halbfassp. 197-210001UON000204742001 ˆAn ‰Evaluation of the Sources on the date of the Buddhaby Akira Hirakawap. 252-295001UON000204962001 Geburts- und Todesjarhr des Buddha Sakyamuni in der zentralasiatischen Uberlieferungvon Klaus Rohrbornp. 423-425001UON000204562001 ˆDie ‰Genealogie des Buddha und seiner Vorfahrenvon Ryutaro Tsuchidap. 108-131001UON000204752001 ˆA ‰Glimpse into the Problem of the Date of the BuddhaHajime Nakamurap. 296-299001UON000204822001 Inschriftliche Quellen zur Datierung des historischen Buddha in Indien. Die Inschrift aus Bodh-Gaya, datiert in das Jahr 1813 n.N. / von Cornelia Mallebreinp. 344- 357001UON000200812001 Japanese Research on the Date of the Buddhaby Hajime Nakamurapp. 55-60001UON000205362001 Kiribat-Vehera PillarinscriptioDon Martino de Zilva Wickremasinghep. 427-429001UON000204632001 Linguistic Considerations on the Date of the Buddhaby Oskar von Hinuberp. 183-193001UON000204782001 ˆThe ‰Lists of the Patriarchs in the Northern and Southern Legendsby Gen'ichi Yamazakip. 313-328001UON000204972001 Manichaean Traditions on the Date of the Historical BuddhaWerner Sundermannp. 426-440001UON000205032001 Mittel- und Nordeuropa um die Zeit des BuddhaDer religiose Umbruch im barbarischen Europa in der fruhen Eisenzeitvon Reinhard Wenskusp. 506-522001UON000204622001 Myth, History and Numerology in the Buddhist Chroniclesby Gananath Obeyesekerep. 152-182001UON000205442001 New Light on the Buddhist Era in Ceylon and Early Sinhalese ChronologyS. Paranavitanap. 474-500001UON000205452001 New Notes on Asoka and His Successors, II-IVP.H.L. Eggermontp. 501-524001UON000200792001 Notes About the Dates of Goutama Buddha's Parinirvana in Hindi Writingsby Gustav Rothpp. 49-54001UON000205102001 Notes on Some Dates on the Buddha in the Manimekalaiby Ruth Walldénp. 200-207001UON000205132001 Notes on Some Indian and Tibetan Reckonings of the Buddha's Nirvana and the Duration of the Teachingby David Seyfort Rueggp. 263-290001UON000204762001 Observations on the Dates of the Jina and the Buddhaby K.R. Normanp. 300-312001UON000204982001 On Chinese Traditions Concerning the Dates of the Buddhaby Herbert Frankep. 441-448001UON000205342001 On the Ceylon date of Gautama's DeathT.W. Rhys Davidsp. 401-421001UON000204832001 On the Date of the Historical Buddha according to Nepalese Traditionsby Mahers Raj Pantp. 358-362001UON000204802001 ˆThe ‰Origin and the Spread of the Theravada Chronologyby Heinz Bechertp. 329-343001UON000205112001 Pancasati-, "500" or "50" ? - With special reference to the Lotus Sutraby Akira Yuyamap. 208-236001UON000205082001 ˆDie ‰Puranischen Genealogien und das Datum Buddhasvon Heinrich von Stietencronp. 148-184001UON000204692001 Quelques considerations sur le probleme posé par la date du Parinirvana du Buddhapar André Bareaup. 211-221001UON000205422001 ˆThe ‰Reply (to B.M. Barua )G.C. Mendisp. 468-473001UON000200762001 Research on the Date of the Buddhasouth Asian Studies Published in Western Languagesby Jens-Uwe Hartmannpp. 27-45001UON000205162001 Sans rgyas bcom ldan 'das sku mya nan las 'das pa'i lo rtsis kyi rnam gzag bzungs so (Tibetische Berechnungen des Parinirvana des Buddha)von Champa Thupten Zongtsep. 299-320001UON000204552001 Some Considerations on the Significance of Buddha's Date for the History of North Indiaby Hermann Kulkep. 100-107001UON000205272001 Some remarks on Yu Cheng-hsieh's essay concerning the Date of the Buddha (1833)by Erhard Rosnerp. 341-350001UON000204582001 ˆThe ‰Synchronism of the Buddha and the Jina Mahavira and the Problem of Chronology in Early Jainismby Adelheid Mettep. 132-137001UON000205152001 Tibetische Quellen zur Datierung des historischen Buddhavon Eckart Zabelp. 291-298001UON000205202001 ˆEine ‰Tocharische quelle zur Buddha-Datierungvon Klaus T. Schmidtp. 332-333001UON000205012001 Traditional Buddhist Chronological SystemsVietnamese TraditionsBy Bhikkhu Pasadikap. 490-502001UON000205312001 Uber buddha's Todesjahr und einige andere Zeitpunkte in der alteren Geschichte IndiensN.L. Westergaardp. 366-400001UON000204732001 ˆThe ‰Year of Buddha's Mahaparinirvanaby P.H.L. Eggermontp. 237-251001UON000205412001 ˆThe ‰Year of Commencement of the Buddha EraB.M. Baruap. 461-467001UON000204602001 ˆThe ‰Year of Mahavira's Deceaseby P.H.L. Eggermontp. 138-151001UON000200832001 ˆDer ‰zeitgerschichtliche Hintergrund der Entstehung des buddhismus und seine bedeutung fur die Datierungsfragevon Georg von Simson (con sommario inglese)pp. 90-99UON00353777ˆDie ‰Datierung des historischen BuddhaUON00353778Symposien zur Buddhismusforschung. 4GAUTAMA BUDDHAVitaUONC000649FIBUDDHISMOORIGINIUONC007039FIDEGöttingenUONL000324SI GEN E VIISUBCONT. INDIANO - CONGRESSI - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAABECHERTHeinzUONV014015Vandenhoeck & RuprechtUONV248345650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00019373SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI GEN E VII 006 (1) SI SA 80185 7 006 (1) SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI GEN E VII 006 (2) SI SA 80186 7 006 (2) Dating of the historical Buddha1197339UNIOR