11762nam0 22019091i 450 UON0001706020231205102000.25081-7320-008-420020107d1994 |0itac50 bamulIN|||| 1||||Heritage of IndiaPast and Present (Essays in honour of prof. R.K. Sharma)Eds. P.K. Mishra & S.K. SullereyDelhiAgam Kala Prakashan19942 v.27 cmpp. 507-510UON00020809pp. 41-46UON00020595pp. 569-578UON00020817pp.263 266UON00020753pp. 473-478UON00020802pp. 272-274UON00020757pp. 67-70UON00020602pp. 239-242UON00020749pp. 243-248UON00020750pp. 89-92UON00020611pp. 173-176UON00020728pp. 31-40UON00020591pp. 169-172UON00020727pp. 533-538UON00020815pp. 235-238UON00020748pp. 127-134UON00020626pp. 76-78UON00020606pp. 381-386UON00020767pp. 489-498UON00020806pp. 511-526UON00020812pp. 25-30UON00020588pp. 47-62UON00020596pp. 297-300UON00020765pp. 229-234UON00020747pp. 204-208UON00020738pp. 1-12UON00020582pp. 145-146UON00020725pp. 97-104UON00020614pp. 201-204UON00020736pp. 395-400UON00020769pp. 187-194UON00020732pp. 499-506UON00020808pp. 443-450UON00020794pp. 113-116UON00020617pp. 17-24UON00020586pp. 79-88UON00020610pp. 401-406UON00020771pp. 407-422UON00020772pp.257-262UON00020752pp. 105-106UON00020616pp. 225-228UON00020745pp. 13-16UON00020584pp. 93-96UON00020613pp. 117-120UON00020620pp. 451-458UON00020795pp. 579-590UON00020818pp. 107-112UON00020619pp.249-256UON00020751pp. 527-532UON00020814pp. 71-75UON00020604pp. 187-194UON00020733pp. 177-186UON00020731pp. 371-380UON00020766pp. 479-488UON00020803pp. 209-216UON00020741pp. 423-430UON00020789pp. 539-544UON00020816pp. 135-144UON00020724pp. 121-126UON00020622pp. 267-270UON00020755pp. 217-220UON00020742pp. 63-66UON00020599pp. 221-224UON00020743pp. 165-168UON00020726pp. 275-284UON00020763pp. 285-286UON00020764SI GEN D I 21 (1)IT-UONSI SIGEND I/021SI GEN D I 21 (2)IT-UONSI SIGEND I/021001UON000208092001 Abhinavagupta's Concept of Aesthetic Experiences and the Tradition of SivaSusmita Pandepp. 507-510001UON000205952001 Archaeological Potentiality of the Caves in West Bengal and BiharBiswanath Samantapp. 41-46001UON000208172001 Archaeological Sources and Recent Trends in the writing of South Indian HistoryAloka Parasherpp. 569-578001UON000207532001 Art of Ajanta PaintingsR.g. Pandeyapp.263 266001UON000208022001 Asika (Hansi)An ancient Centre of Jaina Religion and LearningH.A. Phadkepp. 473-478001UON000207572001 ˆThe ‰Asvamukhi Jataka at Sanchi and BodhgayaM. Raopp. 272-274001UON000206022001 Boneswar DangaA Chalcolithic site in West BengalDilip Roypp. 67-70001UON000207492001 ˆA ‰Bronze Siddha-Cakra from PunjabDevendra Handapp. 239-242001UON000207502001 Chandella Kings in Khajurao ArtAlok Tripathipp. 243-248001UON000206112001 Chemical Treatment and Preservation of Copper CoinsD.K. Mathurpp. 89-92001UON000207282001 Currency in Nagpur Province 1855-1863J. P. Mishrapp. 173-176001UON000205912001 Doksina Kosala - A Geographical StudySudhakar Pandeypp. 31-40001UON000207272001 Early coins of OrissaP.K. Mishrapp. 169-172001UON000208152001 Early Phases of the Gorakshan Movement in C.P. and BerarK.N. Sinhapp. 533-538001UON000207482001 Early terracotta Images of Karttikeya in the Allahabad MuseumRajiv Kumar Trivedipp. 235-238001UON000206262001 ˆAn ‰Endowment of Laukika- The LaymanS.P. Tewaripp. 127-134001UON000206062001 Excavations at PatanS.R. Mishrapp. 76-78001UON000207672001 Experiments in Judicial Administration in Sagar and Narmada Territories (1818 to 1861 A.D.)M.A. Khan & Ati Priya Chauhanpp. 381-386001UON000208062001 ˆA ‰Facet of Female ExploitationDevadasis in Ancient IndiaMonolina Bhattacharyyapp. 489-498001UON000208122001 Famous Panditas of the Buddhist Universities of Early IndiaAnant Kumarpp. 511-526001UON000205882001 Geographical Horizon of KalidasaK.D. Bajpaipp. 25-30001UON000205962001 Harappan Trade and ContactsA Resurvey of EvidenceVijay Kumar Thakurpp. 47-62001UON000207652001 ˆThe ‰Holy ShoesL.N. Pachoripp. 297-300001UON000207472001 ˆThe ‰Image of Siva from TalaL.S. Nigampp. 229-234001UON000207382001 ˆAn ‰Interesting Krsnapradhana Dasavatara Upasya Image from Sagtala, GujaratV.H. Sonawanepp. 204-208001UON000205822001 Jabalpur - The Origin and Significance of the NameV. S. Pathakpp. 1-12001UON000207252001 Jambai Inscription of the Rajaraja Chola-IS. Swaminathanpp. 145-146001UON000206142001 Karnataka Epigraphy and FolkloreS.S. Ramachandra Murthypp. 97-104001UON000207362001 Kirti-stambha: A symbol of Everlasting Fame of Maharana KumbhaB.M. Jawaliapp. 201-204001UON000207692001 Malava and KarnatakaSome Political IncursionsA.V. Narasimha Murthypp. 395-400001UON000207322001 Mangaladevi and other temples at KagpurB.L. Nagarchpp. 187-194001UON000208082001 Marriageable Age in Ancient IndiaM.R. Sharmapp. 499-506001UON000207942001 Material Milieu of SrisuktaRaghavendra Vajpeyipp. 443-450001UON000206172001 Mausahania Copper Plate Grant of Hammiravarman ChandellaK.L. Agrawal and A.L. Pathakpp. 113-116001UON000205862001 Measurement of Distances in Ancient IndiaIshwar Sharan Vishwakarmapp. 17-24001UON000206102001 Megalithic Culture of the Godavari and Vidarbha RegionsP.R. Murthypp. 79-88001UON000207712001 Militant Nationalism of the Home Rule MovementD.K. Joshipp. 401-406001UON000207722001 Nehru's Thoughts on Indian Philosophy and ReligionRachna Mehrotrapp. 407-422001UON000207522001 Newly discovered Rock Paintings of Satpura National ParkP. Masihpp.257-262001UON000206162001 ˆA ‰Note on Tamil Cave Brahmi RecordM.D. Sampathpp. 105-106001UON000207452001 ˆA ‰Note on the Panchayatana Siva Linga in the Indian Museum of CalcuttaS.K. Sullereypp. 225-228001UON000205842001 ˆThe ‰Oldest Map of IndiaS.V. Sohonipp. 13-16001UON000206132001 Plea for Tradition-Backed Reforms in Brahmi Based ScriptAjay Mitra Shastripp. 93-96001UON000206202001 ˆA ‰Portrait Coin of Yajna Satakarni from GopalpurM.C. Choubeypp. 117-120001UON000207952001 Prostitutes in Katha-Saritasagara of SomadevaC.M. Agrawalpp. 451-458001UON000208182001 ˆThe ‰Rajyavardhana Murder CaseShankar Goyalpp. 579-590001UON000206192001 Rein Copper Plate Inscription of Govinda Chandra (Vikram) Year 1188A.K. Singhpp. 107-112001UON000207512001 Rhythmic Feats of Indian Gods as Reflected in Indian ArtSudha Malaiyapp.249-256001UON000208142001 RikshaAn Ancient Tribe of VindhyachalShiv Kumar Tiwaripp. 527-532001UON000206042001 Rock Art Discoveries Around GwaliorR.P. Pandeypp. 71-75001UON000207332001 Rock-cut icons of Gadhelna - A studyC.B. Trivedipp. 187-194001UON000207312001 Rock-cut Temple at VasaviD. Dayalanpp. 177-186001UON000207662001 ˆThe ‰Role of Queen in Ancient Indian PolitySukla Daspp. 371-380001UON000208032001 Role of the Lotus Sutra in Twenty First CenturyLokesh Chandrapp. 479-488001UON000207412001 Saiva Images in Khairagarth Museum - A Critical StudyShiwa Kant Dwivedipp. 209-216001UON000207892001 Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949)An Eloquent Pleader of the Cause of Indian WomenG.D. Shuklapp. 423-430001UON000208162001 ˆA ‰Seminar to Agriculture-Legacy of Sam Higginbottom (1904-1905)Pramond Mehrapp. 539-544001UON000207242001 Seyyur TemplesAn Inscriptional StudyS. Rajavelupp. 135-144001UON000206222001 ˆThe ‰Socio-Religious and Economic Position of the Dommaras in Medieval Andhra as Represented by the EpigraphsM. Krishna Kumaripp. 121-126001UON000207552001 Subjugation of Nalagiri by the BuddhaB.N. Misrapp. 267-270001UON000207422001 Three Interesting Forms of Parvati/GauriJ.P. Joshipp. 217-220001UON000205992001 Twin Headed Double AxeAn Addition to the Copper Hoard FamilyPranab K. Chattopadhyaypp. 63-66001UON000207432001 ˆA ‰Unique goddess Image of with two Boar-facesP.K. Agrawalapp. 221-224001UON000207262001 ˆA ‰Unique Seal from VidishaChandrashekhar Guptapp. 165-168001UON000207632001 ˆThe ‰Women-Painter in MithilaUpendra Thakurpp. 275-284001UON000207642001 Wood Carvings of OrissaKalyan Kumar Dasguptapp. 285-286INDIACULTURA E CIVILTA'FESTSCHRIFTUONC000452FIINNew DelhiUONL000110SI GEN D ISUBCONT. INDIANO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - GENERALIAAMISHRAP. K.UONV014093SHARMAR. K.UONV014092SULLEREYS.K.UONV014094Agam KalaUONV245847650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00017060SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI GEN D I 021 SI SA 80298 7 021 SI GEN D I 21 (1)SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI SI GEN D I 021 SI SA 80299 7 021 SI GEN D I 21 (2)Heritage of India1195475UNIOR