07178nam0 22010091i 450 UON0001315220231205101942.48820020107d1993 |0itac50 bamulHU|||| 1||||Proceedings of the Colloquium on Arabic Lexicology and Lexicography (CALL)ed. by K. Devenyi, T. Ivanyi, A. ShivtelBudapestEotvos Lorand Univ. Chair for Arabic Studies1993 v.21 cposs. parte prima e seconda Budapest, 1-12 (1994)parte II; pp.103-123UON00249480pp.181-194; vol.6-7UON00250185pp.75-93; vol.6-7UON00250173pp.49-58; vol.6-7UON00250169pp.3-11; vol.6-7UON00250164pp.247-260; vol.6-7UON00250195pp.205-213; vol.6-7UON00250188parte II; pp.135-150UON00249484pp.29-48; vol.6-7UON00250167pp.59-74; vol.6-7UON00250171parte II; pp.83-99UON00249477pp.195-202; vol.6-7UON00250186parte II; pp.35-61UON00249470parte II; pp.3-33UON00249464parte II; pp.63-82UON00249473parte II; pp.188-195UON00249495parte II; pp.125-134UON00249482parte II; pp.175-180UON00249490pp.13-25; vol.6-7UON00250165pp.137-151; vol.6-7UON00250180pp.125-135; vol.6-7UON00250177pp.97-103; vol.6-7UON00250174pp.215-232; vol.6-7UON00250190parte II; pp.182-187UON00249492pp.105-123; vol.6-7UON00250175parte II; pp.153-174UON00249487pp.233-244; vol.6-7UON00250192pp.155-179; vol.6-7UON00250181ARA GEN E II 5 (PART ONE)IT-UONSI ARAGENE II/005ARA GEN E II 5 (PART TWO)IT-UONSI ARAGENE II/005001UON000131542001 ˆThe ‰ArabistBudapest Studies in Arabiceditor Alexander Fodor210 BudapestEotvos Lorand University Chair for Arabic Studies1988- v. ; 20 cm06-7001UON002494802001 ˆal-‰alfat al-i'gamiyyah fi al-Quran al-karim dirasah tarihi mu'gamiyyah'Abd al-Karim al-Zabidiparte II; pp.103-123001UON002501852001 ˆthe‰beginning of phonological terminology in arabicSolomon I.Sara, S.J.pp.181-194; vol.6-7001UON002501732001 collocation in arabic(sma) and the treatmant of collocations in arabic dictionariesJan Hooglandpp.75-93; vol.6-7001UON002501692001 Dynamic vs.static- a kind of parallelism in al-Hamadani's maqamatTamas Ivanyipp.49-58; vol.6-7001UON002501642001 early arabic lexicons of homophonic wordsAhmed Mokhtar Omerpp.3-11; vol.6-7001UON002501952001 early arabic-persian lexicography:the asami and masadir generesJohn R.Perrypp.247-260; vol.6-7001UON002501882001 ˆles‰elements du metalangage dans un chapitre d'Ibn GinniNadia Anghelescupp.205-213; vol.6-7001UON002494842001 guhud al-mu'asirina fi hidmah " lisan al-'arb" wa fahrasatuhHana Hudadparte II; pp.135-150001UON002501672001 ˆthe‰language of the Qur'anAlan Jonespp.29-48; vol.6-7001UON002501712001 lexical index to al-Farra's ma'ani al-Qua'anKinga Devanyipp.59-74; vol.6-7001UON002494772001 masadir mu'gam al-lahagat al-yamniyyah al-mu'asirah'Aly 'Galib al-Muhalafyparte II; pp.83-99001UON002501862001 methods of terminological innovation used by the Cairo language academyShlomit Shraybom-Shivtielpp.195-202; vol.6-7001UON002494702001 ˆal-‰mu'gam al-'araby al-asamy, iadh wa naqd'Abd al-'Aziz Matarparte II; pp.35-61001UON002494642001 ˆal-‰mu'gam al-'araby al-hadyt bayna al-waqi' wa al-tumuh'Afyf 'Abd al-Rahmanparte II; pp.3-33001UON002494732001 ˆal-‰mu'gam al-madrasy ussusah wa tawgahatuh mu'gam al-tifl namudaga'Abd al-Ganay Abu al-'Azamparte II; pp.63-82001UON002494952001 ˆal-‰mubatadaa wa al-habar - qadima wa hadita.Afkar mutafariqah 'an mafhum al-gumlah al-ismih al-'arabiyyah wa ahmih dirasatuhaTamash Ifanyparte II; pp.188-195001UON002494822001 ˆal-‰munhagib al-mu'gamiyyah al-'arabiyyah baina al-sut wa al-mu'na wa al-bab wa al-fasl'Umar Musa Bashaparte II; pp.125-134001UON002494902001 nahw mu'gam islamy lilugah al-faqahaMuhammad al-Busiri Muhammadparte II; pp.175-180001UON002501652001 root-dictionary or alphabetical dictionary a methodological dilemmaAvihai Shivtielpp.13-25; vol.6-7001UON002501802001 some egyptian words in Miha'il Sabbag's treatise on the dialects of Syria and EgyptAndrzej Zabornskipp.137-151; vol.6-7001UON002501772001 some etymological and semantic remarks on the lexeme zagariHerbert Eisensteinpp.125-135; vol.6-7001UON002501742001 some remarks on the semantic function of the reduplicated quadriliteral verb(structure fa'fa'a)Stefan Prochazkapp.97-103; vol.6-7001UON002501902001 surgery in arabic aspects of a technical termIstvan Ormospp.215-232; vol.6-7001UON002494922001 talat taraiq fi tadris al-lugah al-'arabiyyah lu'ir al-natiqina bihaMaria Kainka Difinyparte II; pp.182-187001UON002501752001 tanahhala and intahala a lexicographical puzzleSeeger A.Bonebakkerpp.105-123; vol.6-7001UON002494872001 taryqah tasnyf al-mustalahat al-adabiyyah al-ma'agim al-'arabiyyah al-mu'asirah'Aly Nagib Ibrahimparte II; pp.153-174001UON002501922001 ˆthe‰term sila in early arab grammatical theory: the case of Ibn as-SarragZeinab A.Tahapp.233-244; vol.6-7001UON002501812001 ˆthe‰unification of arabic scientific terms linguistic terms as an exampleHassane Darirpp.155-179; vol.6-7LINGUA ARABACONGRESSIUONC003823FIHUBudapestUONL000090ARA GEN E IIPAESI ARABI - CONGRESSI - LINGUISTICAADEVENYIKingaUONV004765IVANYIB.UONV009967SHIVTELA.UONV009968Eotvos Lorand UniversityUONV247752650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00013152SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA GEN E II 005 SI SA 77554 5 005 ARA GEN E II 5 (PART ONE)SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ARA GEN E II 005 SI SA 80527 5 005 ARA GEN E II 5 (PART TWO)Proceedings of the Colloquium on Arabic Lexicology and Lexicography (CALL1179864UNIOR