24180nas# 22026051i 450 UON0001064720231205101932.841013-25112529-802X20020107a1964 |0itac50 baengTW|||| |||||aB|||||||||Issues & studiesa journal of Chinese studies and international affairs[Vol. 1, no. 1 (1964)]- TaipeiInstitute of International Relations[1964]- v.24 cmMensile fino al vol. 34(1998); poi bimestrale; trimestrale dal vol. 37(2001) fasc. 6. - Anche online.pp. 1-37 (2001)UON00244389pp. 177-204 (2000)UON00244340pp. 116-138 (2000)UON00244335pp. 122-157 (2000)UON00244325pp. 200-229 (2002)UON00244426pp, 17-46 (2001)UON00244417pp. 47-79 (2002)UON00244418pp. 101-129 (2002)UON00244422pp. 130-164 (2002)UON00244423pp. 80-100 (2002)UON00244420pp. 165-199 (2002)UON00244425pp. 1-16 (2002)UON00244416pp. 77-106 (2001)UON00244411pp. 1-28 (2001)UON00244408pp. 107-127 (2001)UON00244414pp. 29-58 (2001)UON00244409pp. 100-127 (2001)UON00244402pp. 128-156 (2001)UON00244403pp. 35-75 (2001)UON00244400pp. 157-189 (2001)UON00244405pp. 161-181 (2001)UON00244397pp. 90-120 (2001)UON00244392pp. 38-68 (2001)UON00244390pp. 121-148 (2001)UON00244393pp. 142-162 (2001)UON00244385pp. 68-86 (2001)UON00244376pp. 32-67 (2001)UON00244373pp. 105-141 (2001)UON00244383pp. 87-104 (2001)UON00244382pp. 1-31 (2001)UON00244371pp. 80-105 (2001)UON00244364pp. 147-176 (2001)UON00244368pp. 177-198 (2001)UON00244369pp. 1-28 (2001)UON00244360pp. 29-79 (2001)UON00244362pp. 1-19 (2001)UON00244348pp. 160-214 (2001)UON00244359pp. 124-159 (2001)UON00244357pp. 49-72 (2001)UON00244353pp. 73-101 (2001)UON00244354pp. 102-123 (2001)UON00244356pp. 20-48 (2001)UON00244350pp. 76-99 (2001)UON00244401pp. 149-161 (2001)UON00244396pp. 69-89 (2001)UON00244391pp. 106-146 (2001)UON00244365pp. 59-76 (2001)UON00244410pp. 1-34 (2001)UON00244398pp. 139-176 (2000)UON00244339pp. 1-26 (2000)UON00244330pp. 80-115 (2000)UON00244334pp. 27-51 (2000)UON00244331pp. 61-82 (2000)UON00244321pp. 83-121 (2000)UON00244323pp. 158-175 (2000)UON00244327pp.176-196 (2000)UON00244329pp. 1-40 (2000)UON00244318pp. 41-60UON00244320pp. 132-165 (2000)UON00244315pp. 1-32 (2000)UON00244310pp. 95-131 (2000)UON00244314pp. 166-199 (2000)UON00244317pp. 66-94 (2000)UON00244312pp. 33-65 (2000)UON00244311pp. 130-158 (2000)UON00244289pp. 61-102 (2000)UON00244283pp. 103-129 (2000)UON00244285pp. 159-179 (2000)UON00244290pp. 125 (2000)UON00244280pp. 26-60 (2000)UON00244282pp. 180-198 (2000)UON00244291pp. 32-72 (2000)UON00244275pp. 99-132 (2000)UON00244277pp. 73-98 (2000)UON00244276pp. 31 (2000)UON00244274pp. 155-194 (2000)UON00244279pp. 143-160 (2000)UON00244272pp. 19-48 (2000)UON00244267pp. 76-99 (2000)UON00244269pp. 120-142 (2000)UON00244271pp. 49-75 (2000)UON00244268pp. 100-119 (2000)UON00244270pp. 1-18 (2000)UON00244266pp. 161-189 (2000)UON00244273pp. 133-154 (2000)UON00244278pp. 155-194 (2000)UON00244346pp. 52-79 (2000)UON00244332MAY/12-APR/13IT-UONSI A Per2396/2012 (48)Fatt. 871614 22.1.98IT-UONSI A Per2396/1998 (34)Fatt. 881039 27.11.98 Mand. 452 7.10.99IT-UONSI A Per2396/1999 (35)Fatt. del 8.3.00IT-UONSI A Per2396/2000 (36)v. 37IT-UONSI A Per2396/2001 (37)v.38:n.4-v.39:n.1 (2003)IT-UONSI A Per2396/2003 (39)v. 46 (2010); MAY/10-APR/11IT-UONSI A Per2396/2010 (46)v. 47 (2011); MAY/11-APR/12IT-UONSI A Per2396/2011 (47)001UON002443892001 Comparing third-wawe democraciesEast Central Europe and the ROCYu-Shan Wuv.37,n.4 pp. 1-37 (2001)001UON002443402001 Conceptualizing the APEC wayInternational cooperation in a Non-institutionalized regimeJohnny Chi-Chen Chiangv.36,n.6 pp. 177-204 (2000)001UON002443352001 Local tax effort in Shanghai, 1987-93decentralization vs. local fiscal balanceS. Philip Hsuv.36,n.6 pp. 116-138 (2000)001UON002443252001 China's economyrecent development and long-term prospectsChu-yuan Chengv.36,n.5 pp. 122-157 (2000)001UON002444262001 Credibility and the U.S. defense of Taiwannullifying the notion of a "Taiwan Threat"Alan M. Wachmanv. 38,n.1 pp. 200-229 (2002)001UON002444172001 Cross-strait relations and public opinion on TaiwanEmile C.J. Shengv. 38,n.1 pp, 17-46 (2001)001UON002444182001 Democratic stability under Taiwan's semi-presidentialist Constitutionimplications for cross-straits relationsJih-Wen Linv. 38,n.1 pp. 47-79 (2002)001UON002444222001 ˆThe ‰Eclipse op Taiwan's defence industry and growing dependencies on the United States for advanced armamentsimplications for U.S.-Taiwan Chinese relationsRichard A. Bitzingerv. 38,n.1 pp. 101-129 (2002)001UON002444232001 ˆThe ‰Impact of the PRC's domestic politica on Cross-Strait relationsSzu-Chien Hsuv. 38,n.1 pp. 130-164 (2002)001UON002444202001 Taiwan's domestic stabilityan economic perspectiveDa-Nien Liuv. 38,n.1 pp. 80-100 (2002)001UON002444252001 ˆThe ‰"Taiwan Threat" hypothesisideas, values, and foreign policy preferences in the United StatesAndrew D. Marblev. 38,n.1 pp. 165-199 (2002)001UON002444162001 ˆThe ‰Taiwan Threat" hypothesisAndrew D. Marblev. 38,n.1 pp. 1-16 (2002)001UON002444112001 Chiang Kai-shek and the 28 February 1947 incidenta reassessmentGary D. Rawnsley and Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsleyv. 37,n.6 pp. 77-106 (2001)001UON002444082001 China's pragmatism as a grand national development strategyhistorical legacy and evolutionSung-Bin Kov. 37,n.6 pp. 1-28 (2001)001UON002444142001 Conducting research in Chinaimpediments and some optionsJonathan Schwartzv. 37,n.6 pp. 107-127 (2001)001UON002444092001 Property rights and managerial incentives within a rural Chinese shareholding cooperative enterpriseJian Zhangv. 37,n.6 pp. 29-58 (2001)001UON002444022001 ˆThe ‰Chinese cult of defenseAndrew Scobellv. 37,n.5 pp. 100-127 (2001)001UON002444032001 Nationalism and National identity in Contemporary Chinaassessing the debateGunter Schubertv. 37,n.5 pp. 128-156 (2001)001UON002444002001 Political economy of industrial transformationthe LCD and footwear industries in South Korea and TaiwanSuk-Jun Lim and Young-Ja Baev. 37,n.5 pp. 35-75 (2001)001UON002444052001 ˆAn ‰Unistitutionalized civil society in Post-Soviet Russia, 1994-99Yung-Fang Linv. 37,n.5 pp. 157-189 (2001)001UON002443972001 China's Telecom regulatory regime on the eve of WTO accessionQingjiang Kongv. 37,n.4 pp. 161-181 (2001)001UON002443922001 ˆThe ‰Evolution of Central-Provincial relations in Post-Mao China, 1978-98an event history analysis of provincial leader turnoverYi-Feng Taov. 37,n.4 pp. 90-120 (2001)001UON002443902001 ˆThe ‰Role of the family in political learning of elementary school students in TaiwanWen-Chun Chenv. 37,n.4 pp. 38-68 (2001)001UON002443932001 Vertical support, horizontal linkages and regional disparities in ChinaTypology, incentive structure, and operational logicJae Ho Chungv. 37,n.4 pp. 121-148 (2001)001UON002443852001 ˆThe ‰1998 North Korean missile launch and the "Normalization" of Japanese StatehoodBhubhindar Singhv. 37,n.3 pp. 142-162 (2001)001UON002443762001 China's sharply declining fertilityimplications for its population policyJohn Wongv. 37,n.3 pp. 68-86 (2001)001UON002443732001 Chinese denial and deceptiontheory and practiceAlexander L. Chopanv. 37,n.3 pp. 32-67 (2001)001UON002443832001 Domestic Politics and the U.S.-China WTO AgreementKa Zengv. 37,n.3 pp. 105-141 (2001)001UON002443822001 Health care utilization after economic reform in Mainland Chinaa multinomial approachChin-Shyan Chen and Tsai-Ching Liuv. 37,n.3 pp. 87-104 (2001)001UON002443712001 "Order beyond design"intergovernmental relations and the Downsizing of Taiwan's Provincial GovernmentDa-chi Liao and Tien-chu Tsaiv. 37,n.3 pp. 1-31 (2001)001UON002443642001 Economic ties across the Taiewan straitBuying time for compromisePaul J. Boltv. 37,n.2 pp. 80-105 (2001)001UON002443682001 Forty Years of the Sino-North Korean allianceBeijing's declining credibility and Pyongyang's bandwagoning with WashingtonYongho Kimv. 37,n.2 pp. 147-176 (2001)001UON002443692001 ˆThe ‰Problem os Sluggish enrollment in ethnic schoolsthe case of One Dong Village in Shaoyang, HunanChih-Yu Shihv. 37,n.2 pp. 177-198 (2001)001UON002443602001 ˆThe ‰Role of Zhou Enlai in the Cultural Revolutiona contradictory image from diverse sourcesYongyi Songv. 37,n.2 pp. 1-28 (2001)001UON002443622001 Student attacks against teachersthe revolution of 1966Youqin Wangv. 37,n.2 pp. 29-79 (2001)001UON002443482001 ˆThe ‰2000 presidentail election and its implications for Taiwan's domestic politicsJohn Fuh-sheng Hsiehv. 37,n.1 pp. 1-19 (2001)001UON002443592001 BlowbackChina and the Afghan arabsAhmad Lutfiv. 37,n.1 pp. 160-214 (2001)001UON002443572001 Development of ROC-France relationsthe case of an isolated State and its economic diplomacyChueiling Shinv. 37,n.1 pp. 124-159 (2001)001UON002443532001 Implementation of anticorruption policies in Reform-Era Chinathe case of the 1993-97 "anticorruption struggle"Young Nam Chov. 37,n.1 pp. 49-72 (2001)001UON002443542001 Legislative activism and effectiveness of provincial delegates at the 1988 NPCHongyi Harry Laiv. 37,n.1 pp. 73-101 (2001)001UON002443562001 Some implications of China's military modernizationDonald J. Puchalav. 37,n.1 pp. 102-123 (2001)001UON002443502001 State policy and Guanxi network adaptation in Chinalocal bureaucratic rent-seekingWu Jieh-Minv. 37,n.1 pp. 20-48 (2001)001UON002444012001 Evolution of Minying high-tech enterprises in Chinalegitimizing private ownershipBennis Wai-Yip Sov. 37,n. 5 pp. 76-99 (2001)001UON002443962001 China's B-Share market reformcapital market liberalization under imperfect currency convertibilityShu-Yun Mav. 37,n. 4 pp. 149-161 (2001)001UON002443912001 ˆThe ‰Political economy of local banking in TaiwanSzu-Yin Ho and Jih-Chu Leev. 37,n. 4 pp. 69-89 (2001)001UON002443652001 Adversarial engagement and alliance relationstriangular politics on the Korean peninsula, 1988-94Seongji Woov. 37,n. 2 pp. 106-146 (2001)001UON002444102001 Effect of capital utilization and industry difference on FDI performanceTaiwanese firms in mainland China, Singapore, Malaysia and ThaylandJenng-Ren Chiou, Ming-Long Wang, and Jyh-Jeng Wuv. 37, n.6 pp. 59-76 (2001)001UON002443982001 Being pulled into China's orbit? Navigating Taiwan's Foreign economic policy/ Christopher M. Dentv. 37 n. 5 pp. 1-34 (2001)001UON002443392001 New financial politics in Thailand and MalyasiaChengtian Kuov. 36,n.6 pp. 139-176 (2000)001UON002443302001 Two-level games between rival regimesdomestic oilitics and the remakingùof cross-strait relationsJih-wen Linv. 36,n.6 pp. 1-26 (2000)001UON002443342001 Weathering the Asian financial crisisChina's economic strengths, weaknesses, and survivabilityShalendra D. Sharmav. 36,n.6 pp. 80-115 (2000)001UON002443312001 Why the military Obeys the Party's orders to repress popular uprosingsthe Chinese military crackdown of 1989Chien-wen Kouv. 36,n.6 pp. 27-51 (2000)001UON002443212001 ˆA ‰Bibliometric mapping of the scientific landscape on TaiwanGoran Melin, Rickard Danell, and Olle Perssonv. 36,n.5 pp. 61-82 (2000)001UON002443232001 ˆA ‰Convenient crisislooking behind Beijing's threats against TaiwanAlan P.L. Liuv. 36,n.5 pp. 83-121 (2000)001UON002443272001 Old bottle for new winePRC copyright legislation in the digital contextQingjang Kongv. 36,n.5 pp. 158-175 (2000)001UON002443292001 ˆThe ‰PRC's changing moral and realist perceptions toward territorial disputesChien-Peng Chungv. 36,n.5 pp.176-196 (2000)001UON002443182001 ˆThe ‰ROC'S semi-presidentialism at workunstable compromise, not cohabitationYu-Shan Wuv. 36,n.5 pp. 1-40 (2000)001UON002443202001 Taiwan and the World Health OrganizationGood Health for all or some?Dennis V. Hickeyv. 36,n.5 pp. 41-60001UON002443152001 Bringing the managers ina case of rising influence of enterprise managers in rural ChinaRay Yepv. 36,n.4 pp. 132-165 (2000)001UON002443102001 ˆThe ‰Influence of democracy on Taiean's foreign policyChen Jiev. 36,n.4 pp. 1-32 (2000)001UON002443142001 ˆThe ‰PRC's South China sea policy and strategies of occupation in the Paracel and Spratly islandsChen Hurng-Yuv. 36,n.4 pp. 95-131 (2000)001UON002443172001 ˆThe ‰Role of Government in Jump-starting industralization in East Asiathe case of automobile development in China and MalaysiaHidetaka Yoshimatsuv. 36,n.4 pp. 166-199 (2000)001UON002443122001 ˆThe ‰Strategic context of Russo-Chinese relationsStephen J. Blankv. 36,n.4 pp. 66-94 (2000)001UON002443112001 U.S.-China security relationspast, present, and futureJune Teufel Dreyerv. 36,n.4 pp. 33-65 (2000)001UON002442892001 Freedom, rights, and authority in Chen Duxiu's thinkingChang-Ling Huangv. 36,n.3 pp. 130-158 (2000)001UON002442832001 International linkage and China's environmental policiesSzu-Chien Hsuv. 36,n.3 pp. 61-102 (2000)001UON002442852001 Regional institutions in East Asia after the financial crisischallenges and opportunitiesVincent Wen-Hsien Chenv. 36,n.3 pp. 103-129 (2000)001UON002442902001 ˆThe ‰Second Congress of the Communist International and the Revolutionary movement in ChinaAlexander Pisarevv. 36,n.3 pp. 159-179 (2000)001UON002442802001 Selling Taiwandiplomacy and propagandaGary D. Rawnsleyv. 36,n.3 pp. 125 (2000)001UON002442822001 State Power and labor-capital relations in Foreign-Invested enterprises in Chinathe case of Shandong ProvinceYunqiu Zhangv. 36,n.3 pp. 26-60 (2000)001UON002442912001 Uygurs that eat porka note on ethnic consciousness in Changde's Uygur-HuitownshipChih-yu Shihv. 36,n.3 pp. 180-198 (2000)001UON002442752001 Central-local relations in the PRC under the tax assignment systeman empirical evaluation, 1994-97Szu-Chien Hsuv. 36,n.2 pp. 32-72 (2000)001UON002442772001 ˆThe ‰Development of professional manpower in Mainland China in the 1990sJuechi Wangv. 36,n.2 pp. 99-132 (2000)001UON002442762001 Fiscal reforms, investment, and regional development in Jiangsu provinceYehua Dennis Weiv. 36,n.2 pp. 73-98 (2000)001UON002442742001 Post-Mao economic transitionthe role of No-State enterprisesVincent Mokv. 36,n.2 pp. 31 (2000)001UON002442792001 Rething state policy choice and state autonomy in an era of financial internationalizationcomparing Taiwan and Indonesia during the Asian Financial CrisisS. Philip Hsuv. 36,n.2 pp. 155-194 (2000)001UON002442722001 China in the WTOthreat or promise of Good things to come?Jan S. Prybylav. 36,n.1 pp. 143-160 (2000)001UON002442672001 China, WMD proliferation, and the "China Threat" debateEvans S. Medeirosv. 36,n.1 pp. 19-48 (2000)001UON002442692001 Chinese Nationalism and Beijing's Taiwan policya China Threat?Suisheng Zhaov. 36,n.1 pp. 76-99 (2000)001UON002442712001 ˆThe ‰Confucian culture threatperceptions and MisperceptionsJianxiang Biv. 36,n.1 pp. 120-142 (2000)001UON002442682001 Is China a threat? A defense industry analysisArthur S. Dingv. 36,n.1 pp. 49-75 (2000)001UON002442702001 ˆThe ‰PLA and Kosovoa strategy debateJune Teufel Dreyerv. 36,n.1 pp. 100-119 (2000)001UON002442662001 ˆThe ‰PRC at the dawn of the twenty-first CenturyWhy the "China Threat" debate?Andrew D. Marblev. 36,n.1 pp. 1-18 (2000)001UON002442732001 ˆThe ‰PRC's February 21, 2000White Paper and the U.S. and ROC responsesv. 36,n.1 pp. 161-189 (2000)001UON002442782001 International technology transfer to Chinathe case of bietechnologyHung-Bin Dingv. 36,n. 2 pp. 133-154 (2000)001UON002443462001 Rethinking state policy choise and state autonomy in a Era of financial internationalizationcomparing Taiwan and Indonesia during the Asian financial crisisS. Philp Hsuv. 36,n. 2 pp. 155-194 (2000)001UON002443322001 Some historical perspectives on the diplomacy of Chinese nationalismHans Van De Venv. 26,n.6 pp. 52-79 (2000)UON00426907Issues and studiesTaipeiUONL000076TWTAIWAN - PERIODICIAABBONAMENTIABBONAMENTI - PERIODICIAInstitute of International RelationsUONV004175Institute of International RelationsUONV247144650ITSOL20240220RICAhttp://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/isFull text su abbonamento cartaceo annuale dal 2016SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSI13(1977), n. 9; 30(1994)-53(2017)-A Per 2396 GEO FINO AL 2000; POI IN BIBLIOTECA ;UON00010647SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 13(1977), n. 9; 30(1994)-53(2017)-SI A Per 2396 2012 (48) SI 1330 7 2012 (48) MAY/12-APR/13SI A Per 2396 2013 (49) SI 12338 7 2013 (49) SI A Per 2396 2014 (50) SI 14325 7 2014 (50) SI A Per 2396 2015 (51) SI 22900 7 2015 (51) SI A Per 2396 2016 (52) SI 24427 7 2016 (52) SI A Per 2396 2017 (53) SI 25106 7 2017 (53) SI A Per 2396 1994 (30) SI SA 75549 7 1994 (30) SI SA 106448 7 2002 (38) SI A Per 2396 1995 (31) SI SA 79477 7 1995 (31) SI A Per 2396 1996 (32) SI SA 84382 7 1996 (32) SI A Per 2396 1977 (13) SI SA 84648 7 1977 (13) BuonoSI A Per 2396 1997 (33) SI SA 85775 7 1997 (33) SI A Per 2396 1998 (34) SI SA 89745 7 1998 (34) Fatt. 871614 22.1.98SI A Per 2396 1999 (35) SI SA 91702 7 1999 (35) Fatt. 881039 27.11.98 Mand. 452 7.10.99SI A Per 2396 2000 (36) SI SA 93215 7 2000 (36) Fatt. del 8.3.00SI A Per 2396 2001 (37) SI SA 102362 7 2001 (37) v. 37SI SA 110133 7 2003 (39) v.38:n.4-v.39:n.1 (2003)SI SA 112011 7 2004 (40) SI SA 117392 7 2005 (41) SI SA 117785 7 2006 (42) SI SA 121420 7 2007 (43) SI SA 124720 7 2008 (44) SI SA 126087 7 2009 (45) SI A Per 2396 2010 (46) SI SA 127579 7 2010 (46) v. 46 (2010); MAY/10-APR/11SI A Per 2396 2011 (47) SI SA 130246 7 2011 (47) v. 47 (2011); MAY/11-APR/12SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2012SA242 0J 20120111v. 48 (2012); MAY/12-APR/13 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2013679 1J 20130917 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI201563 1J 20150109 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI20151307 1J 20151130 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI20161292 1J 20161005ABBONAMENTO 2016 v. 52: con mail dell'8/6/2017 la Ellediemme chiede "adeguamentSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI2017868 1J 20170831 Issues & studies1322019UNIOR