02360nas# 22004211i 450 UON0000541120231205101909.1380066-828120020107b19651993 |0itac50 baengIL|||| 1||||aT|||||||||Asian and African studiesannual of the Israel Oriental SocietyVol. 1 (1965)-vol. 27 (1993) n. 3JerusalemIsrael Oriental Society1965-199327 v.24 cmQuadrimestrale. - Il luogo e l'editore variano.v. 17IT-UONSI VO AfrGEN IVD/001v. 20IT-UONSI AOCST/231001UON000853822001 Rural and urban Islam in West AfricaEdited by Nehemia Levtzion and Humphrey J. Fisher210 HaifaInstitute of Middle Eastern Studiesc. 1986215 176 p.24 cm.20, 1001UON000853832001 Studies in the social history of the Middle eastin memory of Professor Gabriel Baeredited by Gabriel R.Warburg and Gad G. Gilbar210 HaifaThe Institute of Middle Eastern Studies1983215 321 p.24 cm17, 1-3AFRICAStudiUONC018228RIASIAStudiUONC018229RIHaifaUONL000326ILYĕrūshālayimUONL004472ILISRAELE - PERIODICIASCAMBIOPERIODICI - SCAMBIOASPENTIPERIODICI - SPENTIAIsrael Oriental SocietyUONV014554Institute of Middle Eastern StudiesUONV256648650ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSI1(1965)-27(1993). 17(1983); 20(1986) lac. ;Per 1386 ; VO GEN IV D 001 / AOC ST 231 ;UON00005411SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 1(1965)-27(1993).SI A Per 1386 1992 SI SA 74217 7 1992 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI 17(1983); 20(1986) lac. ;SI VO Afr GEN IV D 001 SI AA 6691 7 001 v. 17SI AOC ST 231 SI AA 11843 7 231 v. 20Asian and African studies1321979UNIOR