06668nam0 22011291i 450 UON0000433320231205101904.15038-86940-29-220020107d1984 |0itac50 baengGE|||| 1||||Shamanism in EurasiaEd. Mihaly HoppalGöttingenEdition Herodot19842 v.23 cmpp. 253-267UON00004385pp. 149-173UON00004394PP. 377-390UON00004395pp. 97-106UON00004386pp. 67-84UON00004378pp. 268-279UON00004387pp. 37-45UON00004376pp. 21-27UON00004372pp. 307-318UON00004392pp. 184-192UON00004404pp. 325-343UON00004396pp. 107-121UON00004388pp. 242-243UON00004383pp. 178-183UON00004400PP. 231-241UON00004382pp. 423-430UON00004402pp. 450-459UON00004406pp. 280-285UON00004389pp. 125-148UON00004391pp. 289-306UON00004390pp. 319-324UON00004393pp. 13-20UON00004371pp. 193-200UON00004407pp. 28-36UON00004375pp. 391-403UON00004397pp. 353-373UON00004401pp. 404-422UON00004398PP. 214-230UON00004380pp. 244-252UON00004384pp. 85-96UON00004381pp. 344-352UON00004399pp. 46-63UON00004377pp. 450-458UON00004405pp. 430-4449UON00004403PP. 203-213UON00004379pp. 3-10UON00004369001UON000043322001 Forum210 GottingenEdition Herodot19..- - v. ; cm5001UON000043852001 ˆThe ‰chiltan SpiritsV. N. Basilovpp. 253-267001UON000043942001 Cosmic models and Siberian Shaman drumsM. Jankovicspp. 149-173001UON000043952001 ˆThe ‰Diary of Therkel Mathiassen (1922-1923)J.G. OostenPP. 377-390001UON000043862001 Evolution of early forms of religion among the Turco-Mongolian peoplesT. M. Mikhajovpp. 97-106001UON000043782001 Finnish rock art, animal ceremonialismA. L. Siikalapp. 67-84001UON000043872001 Helping spirits of the Siberian TurksN. Alekseevpp. 268-279001UON000043762001 History, limits and prospective for researchR. Mastromatteipp. 37-45001UON000043722001 How to recognize a Shaman among OtherR. Gilbergpp. 21-27001UON000043922001 Is There a Typically Female Exercise of Shamanism in Patrilinear Societies Such as the Buryat?R. Hamayonpp. 307-318001UON000044042001 Medicine man personality and Shamanic worldviewA. Kelemenpp. 184-192001UON000043962001 ˆA ‰Mongolian Text of ExorcismA. Sarközipp. 325-343001UON000043882001 ˆThe ‰new year tree and other traces of ancient Shamanistic Cult in ChinaL. Ecs edypp. 107-121001UON000043832001 On possible areal terms for the shaman's drumV.V. Ivanovpp. 242-243001UON000044002001 On the technique of Hypnosis and Ecstasy: An experinental Psycophysiological ap proachE. I. Banyaipp. 178-183001UON000043822001 On the vocabulary of Nivkh shamanism: the etymon of qas ("Drum") and related qu estionsR. AusterlitzPP. 231-241001UON000044022001 ˆThe ‰problem of the Hungarian female taltosT. Dömötörpp. 423-430001UON000044062001 Problems in the study of Korean ShamanismCho Hung-younpp. 450-459001UON000043892001 Remarks on the Siberian Turkic shaman's secret languageU. Marazzipp. 280-285001UON000043912001 ˆThe ‰Sami Shaman - Mediator between man and universeJ. Pentikäinenpp. 125-148001UON000043902001 ˆThe ‰Shaman as Social Representative in the World BeyondI.R. Korttpp. 289-306001UON000043932001 Shaman Myth and Clan-EpicW. Heissigpp. 319-324001UON000043712001 Shaman - Person or Word?V. Voigtpp. 13-20001UON000044072001 Shaman songs and WorldviewG. N. Gracevapp. 193-200001UON000043752001 Shamanism and Soul ideologyA. Hultkrantzpp. 28-36001UON000043972001 Shamanism in Norvegian popular legendsR. Grambopp. 391-403001UON000044012001 Shamanism in tuva at the turn of the 20th CenturyS.I. Vajnstejnpp. 353-373001UON000043982001 Shamanistic elements in Central European WitchcraftG. Klaniczaypp. 404-422001UON000043802001 Shamans and mothers of twinsL. DelabyPP. 214-230001UON000043842001 Some elements of ritual attire of Nanai shamansA.V. Smoljakpp. 244-252001UON000043812001 Some general and specific features in the Shamanism of the people of SiberiaE. A. Alekseenkopp. 85-96001UON000043992001 South Siberian and Central Asian Hero Tales and Shamanistic RitualsE. Taubepp. 344-352001UON000043772001 ˆThe ‰study of Shamanism in Soviet ethnographyV. N. Basilovpp. 46-63001UON000044052001 Survivals of early forms of religion in SiberiaA.M. Taksamipp. 450-458001UON000044032001 Traces of shamanism in Hungarian folk beliefsM. Hoppalpp. 430-4449001UON000043792001 Variations on the mythical origins of shamanism and deathM. MassenzioPP. 203-213001UON000043692001 What is a ShamanI. M. Lewispp. 3-10SCIAMANESIMOUONC000848FIINT VIIINTERAREALE - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAAHOPPALMihalyUONV003715ITSOL20240220RICAUON00004333SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI INT VII 075 (1) SI SA 70476 5 075 (1) SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI INT VII 075 (2) SI SA 70477 5 075 (2) Shamanism in Eurasia1175050UNIOR